I came from Indianapolis, Indiana as a gift to Mrs. R. I love race cars! North Park has many race cars in the hallways because they are moving down the Healthy Highway! I love to play and exercise and eat healthy food! Mrs. Robelee told me that I would get a chance to visit each classroom this year and be a part of North Park Healthy Highway! My friends at North Park are going to help me keep a journal of my adventure! Healthy Hannah and Physical Eddie are joining us this year!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Fitness Frankie's Adventure in Mr. P's Class!
I had a great time hanging out with Mr. P's class this week! I had a busy and amazing week! This picture is of me in Mr. P's classroom! Do you see the racecar on the table! I was excited to begin my adventure! On Monday I took a math facts quiz; I got done quickly, but got a few wrong. Mr. P told me to focus on being accurate and that I would get quicker the more I practiced. At the end of the day I had a nice honey crisp apple for snack!
On Tuesday I got to use a compound microscope. I sketched out the leg of a housefly and the head of a spider! Science is awesome, but a little gross...... Later in the day I got to listen to a few students whisper read; they were working on pausing at commas and stopping at periods. One group was reading this book about these smart rats that had escaped from some place called NIMH! At the end of the day I got to play a game called MUM Ball; the rules are simple, if you drop the ball or talk you're out of the game.
On Wednesday morning I went to the gym to do 30 minutes of "cardio" (that's exercise that makes your heart and lungs get stronger) BEFORE school! In the morning I worked on my December packet; my favorite page is the picture puzzles with holiday songs! Later that morning Mrs. L's class came in for science. We did an activity to emphasize the importance of giving clear, detailed directions. I had some delicious trail mix for snack today!
On Thursday I tried to solve a tangram puzzle; boy it was hard! I wanted to quit, but everyone told me not to give up, so I kept at it. It's great to have friends like that! Recess was inside today so I watched some kids play a really cool Harry Potter card game. In the afternoon we went down to the computer lab. We got to play a bunch of games on AHA! Math. I had a granola bar and some green tea for snack today!
On Friday we went to technology and looked at good and bad websites. Later that day I played kickball with some kids from class. I also horsed around on the monkey bars, swings, and slide! At the end of the day the class got to help Mrs. F's and Mrs. B's class shop at the Holiday Fair. We all had a blast shopping for our family and friends! I had a yogurt with strawberries for snack to end the day. It was great hanging out with Mr. P's class! I can't wait for the Brotherhood Pageant and the Winter Workshops this week! I am going to be on vacation soon, so I guess I will have to wait to find out what my next adventure will be........I LOVE Healthy Highway!
Love, Fitness Frankie
Exercise Ernie's Adventure in Mrs. S's Class!
I spent the week in Mrs. S's class! My friends fed me healthy snacks on Wellness Wednesday! We age goldfish crackers, oranges, yogurt, pretzels, granola bars, and popcorn! My friends and I exercised EVERYDAY! Everyday we danced to the Cha Cha Slide, and the YMCA! I even got to go to PE classes! In PE we were learning about levels. Did you know that there are three levels? They are High, Medium, and Low. The boys and girls used different levels to bounce balls, and play in four different station areas! We moved in the "Zany Zoo", used a wooden board to launch a turtle (he didn't mind), crawled through a playhouse, and balanced another turtle on three different pieces of equipment that were different sizes!
One of the students asked if "PE Paddy" could play too, so he and I played in the "Zany Zoo" together! It was great fun! I am so proud of how smart the boys and girls are! They learned those levels quickly! You can view more pictures of my adventure by visiting Fitness Frankie's and my slideshow on the PE Website. One day this week I went to Planet Fitness with Mrs. D! That's actually not another planet.....at first I was worried that I was going to travel in space! Then Mrs. D explained that Planet Fitness is a place where adults go to exercise! Whew! I am glad to stay right here on Earth! I LOVE Healthy Highway! This is going to be an exciting week full of Holiday fun at North Park so I am going to spend some time in the office and and I am also going to some different events! Next week I am on vacation just like the boys and girls so my next adventure will be in 2012! I can't wait!
Love, Exercise Ernie
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Exercise Ernie's Week in Mrs. G's Class!
I got to spend a terrific week in Mrs. G's class! All of the boys and girls took great care of me and I learned so much! I went to PE with the class and we had some wonderful adventures! I got to play with noodle bits! These are tiny pieces of noodles and the boys and girls learned how to pop them! It was a great way to work on our (well their) hand muscles! Hand muscles are important for climbing the rock wall! We got to do that next! The boys and girls climbed the rock wall with Mrs. R's help and they found letters that they knew on the rock wall!
That's me in the picture next to the letter "E" for "Ernie"!
I also got to play on the parachute! The boys and girls were very careful with me, but they gave me a great ride on the parachute! I was actually doing flips!!! We got so much exercise in PE this week! I LOVE Healthy Highway!
Love, Exercise Ernie
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Fitness Frankie's Week in Mrs. M's Class!
I spent the week in Mrs. M's class! My friends fed me healthy snacks on Wellness Wednesday! We ate apples, clementines, goldfish crackers, carrots, celery and turnip with hummus. Yummy! My friends exercised with me on Fitness Friday! We played Monkey in the Middle. Most of our leaders did lots of jumping jacks. My heart was really beating fast when we were done! I sure strengthened my heart! I also got to go to PE two days in a row! I got to play Junk Relay, try out a heart rate monitor, and help my friends build towers with bricks! I was proud of how hard the boys and girls are working to learn how to cooperate and help each other! You can look at some pictures of me at North Park by clicking here . Mrs. M's students got lots of exercise this week! Maybe Exercise Ernie will be jealous that he wasn't with these excellent exercisers, but I have a feeling he had a great adventure of his own this week. One day I peeked in the gymnasium while he was with Mrs. G's class and he was climbing on the rock wall! I hope I get to do that someday! I LOVE Healthy Highway! Love, Fitness Frankie
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Fitness Frankie and Exercise Ernie Dance at the Sock Hop!
It was a short week last week but it sure was a fun one! Monday was the 50th Day of School! Some of the primary classes celebrated by dressing up as if they were living in the 1950's and Mrs. R invited everyone to the gymnasium for a "Sock Hop"! We did not know what a "Sock Hop" was so Mrs. R explained that it is a dance! In the 50's, boys and girls would go to the gymnasium for a dance, but they had to take off their shoes so that they would not scratch the floor.....so that's why it's called a "Sock Hop"! We left our shoes on......wait.....we don't have any shoes so I guess we don't have to worry! Mrs. R taught us to do the Hand Jive, The Stroll, and the Twist! Everyone looked great and we met Sandy! Sandy is Mrs. R's 1950's bear. She wears a poodle skirt and sings too!
All of the classes earned a mile for Healthy Highway because dancing is great exercise!
We've said it before but we will say it again......
Love, Fitness Frankie and Exercise Ernie
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Fitness Frankie and Exercise Ernie Attend the NYS AHPERD Conference!
We have been with Mrs. R. lately going to some different Physical Education Conferences! We had a great time and met so many new friends! The biggest one we went to was the New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance annual conference! There were so many people there! Most of them were PE teachers just like Mrs. R. Guess what? Mrs. C. from Healthy Highway was there too and she brought Baking Bella with her! Mrs. R. and Mrs. C. presented a session together about Healthy Highway and she introduced us! We spent some time with Baking Bella at the Healthy Highway booth and many people came by to learn
Mrs. R. also took us to some of the activity sessions! You see, at this conference, teachers come together to share ideas so that they can become better teachers! I guess adults learn even when they are finished with school! We learned some new parachute ideas, some new dance steps, and even a few new games! You'll never believe who else was at the conference! Peter and Paul from Homespun Dance! George was busy so there was another terrific musician playing the banjo instead! They were happy to see us at their session! They actually remembered us!
We are ready to get back to North Park and continue along the Healthy Highway! We are having just one terrific adventure after another!
Fitness Frankie's Week in Mrs. F's and Mrs. B's Class!
I spent the week in Mrs. B's and Mrs. F's class. My friends fed me healthy snacks on Wellness Wednesday! We ate pretzels, applesauce, carrots, mandarin oranges, cheese, crackers, and goldfish. We also drank water and juice! My friends and I exercised on Fitness Friday! We danced with Mrs. S-J to a fun Kidz Bob CD. It was silly and fun! It was a crazy week and I met a lot of new adults because Mrs. B and Mrs. F were out learning about new things for the classroom We also had our first snow delay - YIKES! I was nervous because there were no lights and the building was chilly! Thank goodness I have my fur to keep me warm! I LOVE Healthy Highway! I am going to be spending some time going to conferences with Exercise Ernie and Mrs. R. I think that we are going to have a great adventure!
Love, Fitness Frankie
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Exercise Ernie's Week in Miss V's Class!
I met some new friends in Miss V's class last week! They were so kind to me and took great care of me! My friends fed me healthy snacks on Wellness Wednesday! I am learning all about healthy snacks! We ate apples, carrots, crackers, and other vegetables at snack AND at lunch! I learned that these are "Green Light Foods"! My friends and I exercised this week too! We played Peek-A-Who in PE class. We had to figure out who was missing! It was a great way to get to know each other! That's me in the picture!
We did jumping jacks last week too and one day during a game in PE class I got to be a Wizard! In Music class, I saw my friends exercise their lungs and play the recorder! What a great week!
Fitness Frankie and I are taking two weeks off from being in the classroom. I will miss my new friends, but Mrs. R. is taking us on an adventure to some PE conferences! We are going to get to meet some other PE teachers and Mrs. R. is going to teach them about us! Can you believe it!
I LOVE Healthy Highway!
Love, Exercise Ernie
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Fitness Frankie's Week in Mrs. S's Class!
I LOVE Healthy Highway!
I am spending this week in Mrs. F's and Mrs. B's class!
Love, Fitness Frankie
Monday, October 31, 2011
Exercise Ernie's Adventure in Mrs. B's Class!
My engine is raring to go now for my next adventure! I will miss all of my friends in Mrs. B's class, but I LOVE Healthy Highway!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Fitness Frankie and Exercise Ernie Visit the "Walkway Over the Hudson"!
Exercise Ernie and I had an amazing adventure this week! Mrs. R. took us along on a field trip with the fifth grade boys and girls and their teachers! We went to the Walkway Over the Hudson. This is a walking trail that goes over the Hudson River! It was very high in the air!
We learned that it is 212 feet high! Exercise Ernie and I were a little worried, but everyone took great care of us! As a matter of fact, they always do! This walkway used to be a bridge for trains, and it was made into a walkway for everyone! We had a great time! We learned so much about the history of the bridge and the Hudson River! All of the boys and girls shared pedometers and they recorded how many steps it took to walk across and back. It was over two miles! We were pretty tired when we got back to the bus, but Mr. P, Mrs. L., and Mrs. M., had apples for us to snack on! Not only were the apples healthy, but they were yummy too! When we got back to school, Mrs. R. delivered us to Mrs. S's, and Mrs. B's class where we will spend our week. It's just one great adventure here after another! We LOVE Healthy Highway!
Love, Fitness Frankie and Exercise Ernie
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Fitness Frankie's Week in Mrs. B's Class!
I spent the week in Mrs. B's Class! Exercise Ernie was right next door so we had some great fun together! My friends fed me healthy snacks on Wellness Wednesday! We ate trail mix, wheat crackers, pretzels, grapes and apples. We also drank fruit juice! Exercise Ernie and I went to PE together with our friends! I think that Exercise Ernie is going to tell you about "Clean Up Your Backyard" so I will tell you about our warm-up: "Cleanies and Messies". Mrs. R. put out cones and the boys and girls were either a "Cleanie" or a "Messy". "Cleanies" like the cones up, but "Messies" like the cones down. We had great fun setting up and putting down the cones! It was a great workout! Personally, I liked to be a "Cleanie". How about you?
Love, Fitness Frankie
Exercise Ernie's Week in Mrs. L's and Mrs. F's Class!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Courageous Carlos and Courageous Cassie Arrive!
We had an amazing week at North Park last week! Well, now that I think about it, it seems that EVERY week is amazing! We had a Healthy Highway assembly last week! I love to go to the assemblies because the boys and girls and all of the adults are always eager to learn! We have FUN too! This month we are going to travel down PRIDE PATH. We learned to take pride in our work, the "fuel" that we put in our "engines", and our physical fitness and health! Did you know that Pride is also a word that means a group of lions? I learned that at the assembly! We have some new friends to help us with Courage and we met them at the assembly! They are lions and they have lots of COURAGE! Their names are Courageous Carlos and Courageous Cassie! They are going to help us recognize students who show courage and also help us solve some problems with "Courage Grams"! Miss H. calls all of us "The Pride of North Park"! I've said it before, but I will say it again....... I LOVE Healthy Highway!
Love, Fitness Frankie (Exercise Ernie Too!)
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Fitness Frankie's Week in Mrs. L's 5th Grade!
I had an amazing week in Mrs. L's fifth grade class! Mrs. L was at North Park a few years ago, and now is back with us! She did not know too much about me before this week, but now she is a fan! I had so much fun with the fifth grade boys and girls! Mrs. L has a healthy snack tree in her classroom! This is a picture of me in front of it!
I even went to Jazzercise with Mrs. L! She exercises too! I went to PE with the boys and girls and we played soccer and I also learned how to use a heart rate monitor! A heart rate monitor is a really cool piece of technology that helps the boys and girls learn about how hard their heart is working during exercise!
There is so much more to tell you! One of my new friends helped me with the rest of my blog! Read below!
I had a great time with all of my friends in Mrs. L's class. We did morning meeting everyday. I learned "good morning" in five different languages! One morning we played alphabet aerobics. The class didn't know how flexible I was! Also, we did "AHA" Math. They didn't realize how good I was at Math either! Mrs. L's students made me a throne and a crown! I loved them! Everyday I'd watch my friends work hard from my throne while I ate my favorite healthy snack, a pear. I also got to see their healthy snack tree. It was covered with a lot of healthy snacks! One day, I even got to read one of my favorite books, "Cinderella". I had a GREAT time in Mrs. L's classroom!
I LOVE Healthy Highway! I am staying with Mrs. L. this week because we are going on a field trip and I get to go too! I will tell you all about it soon! Love, Fitness Frankie
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Fitness Frankie's Week in Mrs. O's 4th Grade!
I spent the week in Mrs. O's fourth grade! The boys and girls were very happy to see me and I was happy to see them too! My friends fed me healthy snacks on Wellness Wednesday! We ate pretzels, yogurt, carrots, and a yummy apple! I spent recess time playing outside with my friend Zac! Unfortunately it rained a lot this week so we had to play some board games inside. One of the great things about Healthy Highway is that it helps boys and girls "Slow down and think about it" when they are learning! My friends are learning to listen and follow directions and I told them that I would come back to check on how they are doing! I LOVE Healthy Highway! I wonder what my NEXT adventure will be! Love, Fitness Frankie
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Exercise Ernie's Week in Mrs. C's Class!
I can't believe how much fun I am having at North Park! I have learned so much about eating healthy foods and exercising already! This week Mrs. C's kindergarten and first grade students took amazing care of me! They were so excited when I arrived! They promised that they would teach me about healthy snacks and they did! (more to come on that later.....) I was allowed to go to PE class with the students and Mrs. R. was teaching the boys and girls about different ways to go over and under o-b-s-t-a-c-l-e-s. That's a big word that means something in your way! This is a picture of me under one of them!
We had a great time! I got so much exercise during PE class that I needed a nap when I got back to the classroom! How do the boys and girls DO this so well? I guess they have had a lot of practice! On Fitness Friday we DANCED! Everyone at North Park loves to dance! I have learned that it is good exercise! We went to the gymnasium for Fitness Friday and Mrs. R. taught us how to do the Peanut Butter and Jelly Dance! If you don't know it I am sure that the boys and girls can teach you because they did an awesome job! I LOVE Healthy Highway! I wonder what my next adventure will be?
Love, Exercise Ernie
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Fitness Frankie's Week in Mrs. E's 4th Grade!
I am SO happy to be back at North Park! I had a great summer, but I missed my friends! My friends in Mrs. E's class were very excited when Mrs. R. announced that I would be in their class and they took great care of me this week! My friends fed me healthy snacks on Wellness Wednesday! We ate yogurt with granola, carrot and pepper sticks with dip, apples, bananas, and applesauce! My friends and I exercised on Fitness Friday! We played outside even though it had rained. We ran around, jumped around, and played on the monkey bars! Funny, there were no actual "monkeys" on the bars.......I will have to ask Mrs. R. about that........Some of the class played kickball and many of us watched them. It was great! I LOVE Healthy Highway! I wonder what my next adventure will be! Love, Fitness Frankie
Monday, September 26, 2011
Exercise Ernie's Week in Miss K's Class!
I had an exciting week in Miss K's second grade class! I even got to go to Meet the Staff Night and meet some parents! We shared a healthy snack on Wellness Wednesday. I also got to taste blueberries that one of my new friends brought in to share with the class after we read Blueberries for Sal! The children wrote many stories about me during writer's workshop! Miss K's is going to give them to Mrs. R. for my journal! I spent time with Bono the monkey. He is the mascot for Miss K's class. Here we are at the Sneaker Center in PE. This is where students go to find a safe place to tie their sneakers!
Bono is really nice! He taught me so much this week! We went to PE together with the students and we helped them learn about some healthy snacks too! During PE class the students exercised and played a game called "Find My Color"! It was a fun game! This picture shows us in the gym while the students played!
Fitness Frankie was right! North Park is a great place and my adventures down the Healthy Highway have started just like his! I can't wait to see where I go next week! I LOVE Healthy Highway! Love, Exercise Ernie
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Fitness Frankie's and Exercise Ernie's First Days of the 2011-2012 School Year!
We are back to school at North Park! I am so excited because Mrs. R. has some new ideas for our Healthy Highway program this year! My friend Exercise Ernie, who I met last year during Spring Break, has come to spend the year with us too! He is from Colorado and loves to ski! We are going to teach him all about how we use Healthy Highway at North Park! The boys and girls are excited too!
We had our first Healthy Highway assembly and everyone at North Park got a chance to learn about my summer adventure! Mrs. F - that's our new librarian - read the book that Mrs. R. wrote about our trip to London and Dublin while Mrs. R. showed everyone the pictures. Everyone thought it was a great adventure! Me too! Next, Exercise Ernie and I arrived at the assembly in our new car! Well, it's not a real car, but it's very cool! Mrs. R. introduced Exercise Ernie to everyone and the boys and girls are excited to have us in their classrooms this year!
One of the new activities that we are going to do for Healthy Highway this year is take the Healthy Highway Pledge each day. The HH Pledge says:
"I promise to make ONE healthy choice EVERY day to keep my engine strong!"
All of the boys and girls are signing class pledge cards during PE class and Mrs. R. is making a bulletin board with all of them! Exercise Ernie and I watched while the boys and girls signed the pledge cards. We are very proud of them!
Well, it's time for Exercise Ernie and I to rest up! We have a busy week ahead of us at North Park because we are going to start spending time in each classroom learning about Healthy Highway!
I LOVE Healthy Highway! Love, Fitness Frankie.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Fitness Frankie's Summer Adventures!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Fitness Frankie's Adventure on the Last Day of School!
Fitness Frankie's Adventure with Mrs. K's English Language Learners!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Fitness Frankie "Hangs Around" During K-2 Field Day!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Fitness Frankie's Adventure during 3rd and 4th Grade Field Day!
Hi everyone,
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Fitness Frankie's Adventure during 5th Grade Field Day!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Dr. Fischer Takes Fitness Frankie On a Zip Line!
Dear Readers:
I had the distinct pleasure of taking Fitness Frankie to Netherwood Elementary School on Friday, May 27th. Ms. Quilty invited me to join some 5th grade students to ride the zip line. I am not sure if Fitness Frankie has ever been on a zip line, but I thought he would enjoy the adventure. I introduced him to all the students who were sitting in the field waiting to see the Superintendent ride the zip line. I slipped him on my wrist and he accompanied me up the 30 foot pole, and down the zip line. It was an incredible experience. Riding the zip line is an adventure activity that builds skills such as trust, communication, leadership, group thinking, and open mindedness. Riding the zip line also requires a healthy dose of courage, and Fitness Frankie helped me with my courage. Ms. Quilty is an outstanding zip line coach, and she helped me to be brave. Physical education is a critical component of our educational program, and I was happy to support our physical education department by riding the zip line!
Dr. Fischer
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Fitness Frankie Goes Horseback Riding!
Fitness Frankie Rides a Zip line!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Healthy Highway "Driver of the Year!"
Monday, May 23, 2011
Fitness Frankie's Weekend Adventure with Ms. V!
This weekend I went and hung out with Ms. V. We were very busy! Ms. V. is learning a new language called Arabic! On Friday after school she brought me to her class and taught me how to say "al tal e boon, ja de doon" which means: "I am the new student"! I even practiced saying it to all my new friends in the class!
On Saturday we traveled to Teaneck, NJ, where Ms. V. had a soccer game against other women. Some were even other teachers from New Jersey! Ms. V's team won and I helped score a goal! It was a lot of good exercise and I felt healthy running around with my teammates! We shared oranges and water after the game. Boy was I thirsty!
Ms. V. and I went to Millbrook, NY on Sunday. I even got to go swimming at the Country Club where Ms. V. works during the summer! I met all of the lifeguards and they showed me how to be safe around the pool. The lifeguards were getting the pool ready for Memorial Day Weekend. Memorial Day is a national holiday. It's when we celebrate and remember all of the soldiers who fought for our country! It also marks the beginning of the summer when all of the pools open! Yay!
I had a great weekend! I can't wait to see who I spend time with next! I LOVE Healthy Highway! Love, Fitness Frankie
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Fitness Frankie's Adventure in the Cafeteria!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Fitness Frankie's Adventure at the Dance Recital!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Fitness Frankie's Adventure at the SEZ Awards Ceremony!
Fitness Frankie's Golf Adventure!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Fitness Frankie's Adventures with Mrs. R.!
Fitness Frankie's Weekend Adventure!
Mrs. R. is letting me go home with some of the adults at North Park during May so that I can exercise and eat healthy foods with them! This past weekend I went home with Mrs. B. for the weekend. I was quite a busy bear! On Friday night I went to a track meet in New Paltz to watch Mrs. B's boys Michael and Ryan run. I even traveled across the Mid-Hudson Bridge and I was able to see some boats in the Hudson River. When I was at the track meet I was able to run in one of the races. I did not come in in the top five for my race, but I really did try my best. While I was at the track meet I even saw Alexa from Mrs. F's class! It was fun to see someone I knew from school. Then on Saturday morning I was able to go to gymnastics with Olivia, Mrs. B's daughter. I had a great time there too! Olivia's teachers helped me to hang from the bar both by my hands and then upside down. I have to admit, hanging upside down was a little scary. The best part of gymnastics was jumping across the tumble track (that's kind of like a trampoline) with Olivia. She held my hands and made sure that I jumped safely. Finally, on Sunday I went to the baseball field to watch Michael and Ryan play two games of baseball. When I was at the games I was actually able to take a few turns trying to hit the ball, but that is hard work. To take a break I spent some time running around and then sitting on the bleachers to watch the game. After I was done I actually went home to enjoy a little nap. I can't wait to see where my next set of adventures will take me! I LOVE Healthy Highway! Love, Fitness Frankie
Fitness Frankie's Adventure in Mrs. B's Class!
I spent the week with Mrs. B's second grade. What a fun and adventurous week it was!
Each morning began with helping my friends with morning work. I was adding and subtracting double-digit numbers, practicing my spelling words in cursive, and making Mother's Day gifts.
After morning work, I worked hard learning about non-fiction topics during Writer's Workshop. There was so much research to do in books and on the internet.
Then I was able to have some fun during Literacy Station time. I especially liked sorting "oo" words, listening to plant books on tape, coming up with adjectives and reading books with my friends. I learned that there is another kind of highway besides "Healthy Highway". I learned about how a tree's "highway" works!
Next, I enjoyed learning about FDR and his pet dog Fala. FDR was the 32nd President of the United States. Fala was specially trained to live in the White House with the Roosevelts. Too bad I won't be going on their field trip to FDR next week!
And talk about fun......I got to go outside and see baby bluebirds that hatched in Mrs. B's birdhouse! The bluebirds were sleeping and covered with their down feathers. The mother bluebird watched us from a tree branch as we quietly peeked in the birdhouse. I also planted beans in a bottle. Hopefully, I can come back to visit their room to see if the bluebirds left their nest and if the beans grew!
On Wellness Wednesday, I help our class nutritionist make sure that each child had a healthy snack. I nibbled on some pretzels, apples, 100% fruit bar, and a Fiber One bar which really filled me up for a long time! Then I washed my food down with some refreshing spring water!
During PE this week I learned some exercises to make your muscles strong! I learned how to do "Push-up Taps", and "Nerf Ball Leg Lifts"! I also learned some new dances! I learned "Jump Jim Joe", and Can't Jump Josie"! During this week we were also celebrating National Physical Education and Sport Week and Mrs. R. read an important quote about Physical Fitness each day during the announcements. I learned something new every day!
Last, I joined our entire school for Project ACES. Project ACES means All Children Exercising Simultaneously. This is a national project where children all throughout the United States exercise during this week! Our entire school exercised outside together. It was wonderful to see our school working together and being successful! Project ACES was a great highway trail to Sucess Circle (The road we are traveling down this month!). You can see some great pictures (even me!) by clicking on the words Project ACES. Thanks to my friends in Mrs. B's class for a great week! I LOVE Healthy Highway! Love, Fitness Frankie