We are back to school at North Park! I am so excited because Mrs. R. has some new ideas for our Healthy Highway program this year! My friend Exercise Ernie, who I met last year during Spring Break, has come to spend the year with us too! He is from Colorado and loves to ski! We are going to teach him all about how we use Healthy Highway at North Park! The boys and girls are excited too!

One of the new activities that we are going to do for Healthy Highway this year is take the Healthy Highway Pledge each day. The HH Pledge says:
"I promise to make ONE healthy choice EVERY day to keep my engine strong!"
All of the boys and girls are signing class pledge cards during PE class and Mrs. R. is making a bulletin board with all of them! Exercise Ernie and I watched while the boys and girls signed the pledge cards. We are very proud of them!
Well, it's time for Exercise Ernie and I to rest up! We have a busy week ahead of us at North Park because we are going to start spending time in each classroom learning about Healthy Highway!
I LOVE Healthy Highway! Love, Fitness Frankie.