Sunday, November 24, 2013

What a busy school year!

Hi everyone,
   Physical Eddie here!  It has been such a busy start to the school year!  We have a new friend joining us this year - Cardio Cal!  Cardio Cal is from Yosemite in California!  We have been learning about letters, playing soccer,  learning to cooperate, wearing pedometers, dancing to music of the 1950's during the 50th day of school, and participating in a circus!  We have learned so much already about the importance of physical activity and healthy choices!  We LOVE Healthy Highway!  Do YOU?
Love, Physical Eddie and Cardio Cal

Friday, August 9, 2013

Our Summer far.....

Hi everyone,
     Fitness Frankie and Physical Eddie here!  We are having the best summer ever!  We have been on some terrific adventures and we think there are still more to come!  I went to France and Physical Eddie has been doing some hiking!  Healthy Hannah and Cardio Cal are having some adventures too and they will be checking in soon!  This picture is of me at the Eiffel Tower in France!   While I was in France I was known as "Francois Physique" - that's Fitness Frankie in French!  The other pictures are of Physical Eddie on a hike up Mt. Beacon with our friend Exercise Eddie.  Exercise Eddie is our friend from Beacon.  He goes to school with Mrs. C who is a friend of Mrs. R.  It was great to see him on our adventure!  Mrs. R wore her pedometer during the hike and we walked about 8,000 steps!  It was great exercise!  Well, that's it for now......the adventure continues!  We LOVE Healthy Highway!  Love,
Fitness Frankie (Francois Physique)
Physical Eddie

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Our Adventures During Field Day 2013!

Hi everyone,
      We had a great time during Field Days and some special year-end events!  Healthy Hannah and Physical Eddie had not been a part of Field Day before so I showed them around!  We each got to spend time during a Field Day and we had so much fun!  The boys and girls worked really hard to Play Fair, Play Safe, Play Hard, and Have Fun!  At the end of the year we had a special "Victory Lap" to celebrate all of our hard work this year!  We exercised by taking a lap around our school with Miss L in the lead!  We enjoyed an all natural fruit ice pop at the end and met our new friend "Cardio Cal"!  Cardio Cal is from California and will be spending time with us next year learning all about Healthy Highway!  If you want to see more pictures of our Field Days and our Victory Lap you can visit the North Park PE Website!  We can't wait for next year! In the meantime, we are going to have some special summer adventures!  Stay tuned!  

Cardio Cal and Fitness Frankie

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Fitness Frankie Goes to the Relay for Life!

Hi everyone,
    I just had to share a new adventure with you!  This weekend, Mr. and Mrs. R took me to a Relay for Life event.  I did not know what it was until I got there.  I learned that this is a very important event where many, many people walk as a team to raise money to help those affected by cancer.  Many of the adults from North Park and Netherwood were there and worked as a team!  That's me in the picture at the event!  Everyone on our team wore pink to raise awareness!  Everyone took turns walking on the track.  We took our turn and walked about two miles!  There were many, many volunteers and it was a great cause.  We were happy to do our part!  
Healthy Highway takes me on new adventures every day!  I LOVE it!  How about you?
Fitness Frankie

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Fitness Frankie's California Adventure!

Hi everyone,
    Guess what?  I just got back from the most amazing trip to California!  I did not know that it was so far away!  Mrs. S took me with her and her family and we had a great time!  Mrs. S's daughter is a teacher so we spent a day at her school.  I met so many new friends!  We played 4-Square together and I met their classroom bear too!  They were so nice to me and included me in all of their games!  We also went whitewater rafting.  This was exciting, but honestly, it was a little scary too.  Mrs. S. held on to me tight and we had all of the safety gear that we needed!  It was the first time that I went on that kind of adventure!  We also went to Yosemite National Park.  It was so beautiful!  We had healthy snacks along the way and we did so much hiking that my legs are in great shape now!   The adventures never stop!  Thank you Mrs. S for a wonderful adventure!

I LOVE Healthy Highway!  Don't you?
Fitness Frankie 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Physical Eddie's Adventure with Mrs. R's and Mrs. S's 5th Grade!

Hi everyone,
    Physical Eddie here!  I was taken care of by Mrs. R's and Mrs. S's 5th grade class.  There were many activities I did with the class.  I learned how to multiply and divide fractions, figure out area and volume of rectangular shapes, and even got to play Math Jeopardy as they prepared for the BIG TESTS!
      I was taken to a 5k race where I cheered on Mrs. S and her daughter from the sidelines.  During PE I watched the fifth grade class do yoga, and I even gave the Cobra a try.  Also, I watched while they did the practice PACER test in Physical Education.  I got to be the king when a couple of the girls made a throne for me, King of Fitness!  Once I heard the fifth grade talking about all doing the fitness calendar this month.  I think the fifth grade will complete the calendars!
     I helped the fifth grade class celebrate three birthdays.  It was really exciting.  IBM engineers helped us make contraptions to keep an egg safe; our precious cargo.  I think the IBM's brought this project to show what they do everyday, to make life easier, and that we could consider it as a profession.  By the way, none of the eggs cracked during the experiment, not even "Jeffrey" (some of us named our egg...).  
     Finally, I helped the fifth grade class pick their states for their research reports.  It was really fun to be with the fifth grade team! 
 I LOVE Healthy Highway!  
I wonder which class I will visit next?

Physical Eddie

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Healthy Hannah's Adventure with Mrs. L's and Mrs. S's Class!

Hi everyone,
     I was taken care of by Mrs. L's and Mrs. S's class recently!  My friends fed me healthy snacks for Wellness Wednesday!  We ate applesauce, bananas, clementines, carrots, pears, granola bars, and pretzels.  Doesn't that sound delicious?  I also exercised with my friends on Fitness Friday!  We went outside and found pictures of suns, plants, or animals.  We linked together to create human food chains.  We moved along to show energy flowing between us!  We've been exercising our brains A LOT!!  One way has been to write poems.  We wrote a "cinquain" poem about me!  Read below:
Little, Courageous
Exercising, Stretching, Thinking
Keeps Her Engine Strong
Healthy Hannah
How about that!!
     In PE, the boys and girls are learning about sports that use striking skills like tennis, badminton, and baseball.  Each day the boys and girls have goals to meet.  That's me in the picture reading about the goals for the day!  I learned that when you meet a goal, you should make a new one!  
Finally, I attended Family Fitness Night with Mrs. S and her family.  I was so pleased to see so many friends from North Park enjoying physical fitness with their families!  That's me with Chef Rico enjoying a healthy snack of hummus!
I LOVE Healthy Highway!
I wonder which classroom I will visit next?
Healthy Hannah

Monday, April 29, 2013

Fitness Frankie visits the NASCAR Hall of Fame!

Hi everyone,
     I just had to share my latest adventure with you!  Mrs. R went to a very special conference in Charlotte, North Carolina recently.  I did not know that race cars are very popular in Charlotte! In fact, the NASCAR Hall of Fame was right down the street from where we were staying!  I could not believe it, but there was a special event there and Mrs. R took me there with some friends!  It was AMAZING!  The car in the picture is a race car from many years ago.  Isn't it cool?  Mrs. R was at a conference with a bunch of other PE teachers and she learned some new activities!  That's me in the picture with the giant tennis ball and racket!
I can't wait to try them out!  I LOVE Healthy Highway!  
Love, Fitness Frankie

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Physical Eddie's Adventure in Mrs. C's class!

Hi everyone,   
     Physical Eddie here!  My visit to Mrs. C's kindergarten class was interesting and energetic.  The children had so much to share with me about their perspective on being healthy.  They reminded me that healthy is a mind, spirit, body connection and that engaging your mind by choice each day supports a healthy mind and spirit.  Yes, we did eat fruit and yogurt for snack and danced for exercise as well but in addition to those choices they taught me how to use yoga breathing to calm and center my body and mind.  Most of all they exemplified how joyful learning is an important key to health!  During PE class we learned about healthy foods and how we should make a healthy plate,and I even got to use my very own yoga mat when we learned some new yoga poses!  Fitness Frankie was right.  Healthy Highway is the only way to go!  I LOVE Healthy Highway!  How about you?
Physical Eddie

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Fitness Frankie's and Physical Eddie's Spring Break Adventure!

Can you see us?
Hi everyone,
A healthy walking trail!
       Physical Eddie and I just got back from an amazing adventure during Spring Break!  It was actually Physical Eddie's first adventure away from home so I showed him the ropes!  We went to Virginia and North Carolina to visit with family and friends of Mrs. R.  First, we went to Virginia and met with Mrs. R's nephew.  He works in Washington, DC!  Next, we went to North Carolina and visited with friends and family there too!  We got to walk on a special hiking trail, play golf with Mrs. R's twin brother, go to a special museum about the state of North Carolina, and make new friends with Dean - a boxer dog, Yukon - a yellow lab, and Maggie - also a yellow lab that was a foster dog.  She got adopted while we were there!  On our way back home we stopped at the Shenandoah National Park.  It was beautiful!  That's me and Physical Eddie in the picture!  We were so high up in the mountains that there was still snow on the ground, but we were warm in our sweatshirts.  Mrs. R. is making a book about our adventure!  Physical Eddie understands now why I am excited all of the time!  It is just one amazing adventure after another!  We LOVE Healthy Highway!  How about you?

Our new friend Dean!
Shenandoah National Park

Fitness Frankie
Physical Eddie

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Physical Eddie's Adventure in Mrs. B's Class!

Hi everyone,
     Physical Eddie here!  I had the greatest adventure in Mrs.B's class!  My friends fed me healthy snacks for Wellness Wednesday!  We ate oranges, strawberries, pretzels, carrots, yogurt and cheese, and crackers!  I exercised with my friends on Fitness Friday!  We did Macarena Math and Thumbs Up!  What fun I had!  The children in Room 3 have been learning about Economics.  I learned about needs and wants, goods and services, and consumers and producers.  During theme stations the kids and I moved each day to a new station where we did many hands-on activities.  It's fun to be 2nd grader!  I also had an amazing time at Jump Rope for Heart!  I know that Healthy Hannah already talked about Jump Rope for Heart but I got to go too! The boys and girls worked so hard that they were sweating at the end of their jumping time!   Mrs. R got me a new red outfit and I wore a pin that said "Heart Ambassador!"  I feel so proud!  That's Healthy Hannah, Fitness Frankie and me in the picture!  Mrs. R said that we are all Heart Heroes!  I LOVE Healthy Highway!  I wonder which classroom I am going to visit next?..........
Physical Eddie

Monday, March 18, 2013

Healthy Hannah's Adventure in Mrs.O's Class!

Hi everyone,
     I had a fantastic time in Mrs. O's classroom!  On my first day I went ice skating on the icy ground.  Near the end of the day when my friends went to chorus I went to Mrs. C's kindergarten classroom and watched 101 Dalmatians!  It was the 101st day of school!  That movie that we watched was so awesome!  I helped clean off desks every Friday and I also went to the library and picked out books.  I helped write fiction stories like Talking Animals, The Woods Walk, adn the Awesome Adventures of Kyle the Crab.  I read "Music, Music, Music Gianna's" in reading group.  The other group was reading Stone Fox.  I watched the kids play kickball.  It was awesome!  I went to Philadelphia with Mrs. O and her daughter to an amazing Gymnastics meet  Every single gymnast had on a beautiful pink leotard.  I had so much fun!  That's me on top of the sign!  During PE class we were getting ready for Jump Rope for Heart and when it was time for the event I was ready!  This is a wonderful event where the boys and girls worked hard to make their own hearts healthy and help others by raising money for the American Heart Association.  I LOVE Healthy Highway!  I can't wait for my next adventure!
Healthy Hannah

Monday, February 25, 2013

Healthy Hannah's Adventure in Mrs. B's 3rd Grade!

Hi, it's Healthy Hannah once again! I had a lot of fun in Mrs. B's class!  During snack, the nutritionists and I walked around to each student's desk looking for yummy and healthy snacks to eat.  We shared granola bars, sunflower seeds, apples,crackers, fruit salad, and many other nutritional snacks.  I even went to Mrs. B's Super Bowl party and ate vegetables and dip!
     I did many exciting physical activities with the class.  One activity I participated in was gymnastics.  I was able to do a split on the balance beam!  Another activity I got to do was Monkey in the Middle on Fitness Friday!  Even though I'm a bear, I got to be a monkey and did jumping jacks and push-ups!  Have I mentioned the fun in the snow I had?  Our class had an opportunity to go snowshoeing in PE class.  I had my very own snowshoes that were quite hard to get on but we persevered! Everyone helped each other!  I even got to share with my friend Fitness Frankie!  My favorite activity was going sledding!  The third grade classes had a Winter Reading Challenge.  Can you believe every student in the class reached the goal of reading four chapter books in six weeks?  I was so proud of them!  After falling off the sled many times, I had to go inside and sit by the heater to dry off and sip hot cocoa with marshmallows.  YUM!
     I had such a wonderful time with my friends in Mrs. B's class!  I wonder which classroom I am going to visit next?
I LOVE Healthy Highway!

Healthy Hannah

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Physical Eddie's Adventure in Mrs. S's 5th Grade!

Hi everyone,
     I have been spending the last few weeks in Mrs. S's 5th Grade class!  I have had such a great time!  I did many aerobic activities during my stay!  In fact, AEROBIC is the PE Password this week!!  I learned that "aerobic" means "with oxygen" and that many exercises are aerobic because your body needs lots of oxygen to do them!  In PE class I did gymnastics and snowshoeing!  That's me in the picture!  In class, we did a new math lesson that involves exercising between timed quizzes.  They are called sprints.  We jogged and skip counted at the same time.  This helped us to improve our math facts!
     On Valentine's Day, our class learned all about the heart and how it works.  The heart is a muscle which is constantly working out.  Every minute your heart beats 80-120 times.  It will beat about 3 billion times in your lifetime.  AMAZING!  The human heart is about the size of your fist.
     Every time your heart beats, blood goes in and out of the heart.  This is because the heart has two pumps working together.  The right pump has used blood that contains carbon dioxide and is pushed into your lungs to release this gas.   The other pump gets blood from the lungs which has oxygen and nutrients in it.  This oxygen filled blood travels through to all the parts of your body.  I learned so much about the heart!
     We also had heart healthy snacks.  Some of them were celery, carrots, strawberries, and grapes.  It is important to eat healthy snacks so your heart stays strong!
     My friends took such good care of me!  I LOVE Healthy Highway!  I am going to spend the next few weeks in Mrs. B's second grade!  I can't wait for my next adventure!
Physical Eddie

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Physical Eddie's Adventure in Mrs. E's 4th Grade!

Hi everyone,
     I have been having an amazing time at North Park!  This is my first year here and I understand what all of the excitement is about!  Recently, I was taken care of by Mrs. E's 4th graders! They took such great care of me!  My friends fed me healthy snacks for Wellness Wednesday!  We ate apples, bananas, oranges and grapes.  We also had apple swirls with trail mix, wheat thins and fresh vegetables! Yummy!  Yummy!

     I exercised with my friends on Fitness Friday!  We had a lot of fun!  We played Monkey in the Middle with Miss H!  We did gymnastics in PE class!  That's me in the pictures on the balance beam and the junior turning bar!  I learned that doing Gymnastics takes strength and balance!  While we were outside we did many things including tag, push-ups, and basketball.  It was exhausting but very healthy and fun!  We even went to the Healthy Highway assembly and danced to the music!  Watch out for us 4th grade drivers!
     In the classroom we exercised our brains!  We are learning the multiplication facts and how to use the partial products method.  In Science we dissected owl pellets and had to use fine motor skills to carefully pull apart the pellet and pick out the bones and skulls!  It was amazing!  In Social Studies we finished studying the Native Americans.  Mr. A came and taught us about New Netherland children's lives!  That was a lot of vocabulary and Math too!
     We know it's a lot of work but we need to eat right, exercise our bodies and exercise our brains!
     I LOVE Healthy Highway!
     I wonder which classroom I am going to visit next..........?
Physical Eddie

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Fitness Frankie's Lake Placid Adventure!

Hi everyone,

Cross Country Skiing
     I had the most AMAZING adventure during our winter vacation!  Miss H took me to Lake Placid with her family and friends!  I learned that the Winter Olympics were held in Lake Placid in 1932 and 1980!  There were so many cool winter sports to try and Miss H let me go along and try them out!  We dressed in warm clothes (Miss H and I have new matching scarves!) and then we were ready to go!  We went cross country skiing, snowshoeing, tubing, and snowmobiling!  We got so much exercise and we made some terrific safe and healthy choices!  Miss H helped me write a book about this adventure and Mrs. R is reading it to the boys and girls during PE class this week!  If you want to see more pictures of this and other adventures click here!
I met some new friends during this adventure and I told them all about Healthy Highway!  I mean really, what's not to love about Healthy Highway!
Love, Fitness Frankie

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Healthy Hannah Goes Snowshoeing!

Hi everyone,
     I had an amazing Winter Vacation with Mrs. R!  She took me to the Adirondack Mountains to a place called Chatiemac Lake with her family and friends!  There was so much snow!  I am not used to snow since I am from Savannah, Georgia!  It was pretty cold outside and Mrs. R told me that it was important to wear the right clothes when exercising outdoors.  Mrs. R got me a new sweatshirt so I was nice and warm!  I am a bear after all.......
When we were dressed warmly and had packed our water for the trip, Mrs. R taught me how to snowshoe!  That's me in the picture!  We hiked in the woods with friends and made our own trail and then we took a trail called Second Pond Trail.  It was so beautiful!  We got some great exercise!  Some of our friends went cross country skiing while we were snowshoeing.  Maybe another time I can learn how to do that!  I love the snow - don't you?

I also made some new friends while I was on vacation......can you tell?
I LOVE Healthy Highway!
Healthy Hannah