On Valentine's Day, our class learned all about the heart and how it works. The heart is a muscle which is constantly working out. Every minute your heart beats 80-120 times. It will beat about 3 billion times in your lifetime. AMAZING! The human heart is about the size of your fist.
Every time your heart beats, blood goes in and out of the heart. This is because the heart has two pumps working together. The right pump has used blood that contains carbon dioxide and is pushed into your lungs to release this gas. The other pump gets blood from the lungs which has oxygen and nutrients in it. This oxygen filled blood travels through to all the parts of your body. I learned so much about the heart!
We also had heart healthy snacks. Some of them were celery, carrots, strawberries, and grapes. It is important to eat healthy snacks so your heart stays strong!
My friends took such good care of me! I LOVE Healthy Highway! I am going to spend the next few weeks in Mrs. B's second grade! I can't wait for my next adventure!
Physical Eddie