I exercised with my friends on Fitness Friday! We had a lot of fun! We played Monkey in the Middle with Miss H! We did gymnastics in PE class! That's me in the pictures on the balance beam and the junior turning bar! I learned that doing Gymnastics takes strength and balance! While we were outside we did many things including tag, push-ups, and basketball. It was exhausting but very healthy and fun! We even went to the Healthy Highway assembly and danced to the music! Watch out for us 4th grade drivers!
In the classroom we exercised our brains! We are learning the multiplication facts and how to use the partial products method. In Science we dissected owl pellets and had to use fine motor skills to carefully pull apart the pellet and pick out the bones and skulls! It was amazing! In Social Studies we finished studying the Native Americans. Mr. A came and taught us about New Netherland children's lives! That was a lot of vocabulary and Math too!
We know it's a lot of work but we need to eat right, exercise our bodies and exercise our brains!
I LOVE Healthy Highway!
I wonder which classroom I am going to visit next..........?
Physical Eddie