Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Fitness Frankie's Adventure in Mrs. B's Class!

Hi everyone,
I spent the week with Mrs. B's second grade. What a fun and adventurous week it was!
Each morning began with helping my friends with morning work. I was adding and subtracting double-digit numbers, practicing my spelling words in cursive, and making Mother's Day gifts.
After morning work, I worked hard learning about non-fiction topics during Writer's Workshop. There was so much research to do in books and on the internet.
Then I was able to have some fun during Literacy Station time. I especially liked sorting "oo" words, listening to plant books on tape, coming up with adjectives and reading books with my friends. I learned that there is another kind of highway besides "Healthy Highway". I learned about how a tree's "highway" works!
Next, I enjoyed learning about FDR and his pet dog Fala. FDR was the 32nd President of the United States. Fala was specially trained to live in the White House with the Roosevelts. Too bad I won't be going on their field trip to FDR next week!
And talk about fun......I got to go outside and see baby bluebirds that hatched in Mrs. B's birdhouse! The bluebirds were sleeping and covered with their down feathers. The mother bluebird watched us from a tree branch as we quietly peeked in the birdhouse. I also planted beans in a bottle. Hopefully, I can come back to visit their room to see if the bluebirds left their nest and if the beans grew!
On Wellness Wednesday, I help our class nutritionist make sure that each child had a healthy snack. I nibbled on some pretzels, apples, 100% fruit bar, and a Fiber One bar which really filled me up for a long time! Then I washed my food down with some refreshing spring water!
During PE this week I learned some exercises to make your muscles strong! I learned how to do "Push-up Taps", and "Nerf Ball Leg Lifts"! I also learned some new dances! I learned "Jump Jim Joe", and Can't Jump Josie"! During this week we were also celebrating National Physical Education and Sport Week and Mrs. R. read an important quote about Physical Fitness each day during the announcements. I learned something new every day!
Last, I joined our entire school for Project ACES. Project ACES means All Children Exercising Simultaneously. This is a national project where children all throughout the United States exercise during this week! Our entire school exercised outside together. It was wonderful to see our school working together and being successful! Project ACES was a great highway trail to Sucess Circle (The road we are traveling down this month!). You can see some great pictures (even me!) by clicking on the words Project ACES. Thanks to my friends in Mrs. B's class for a great week! I LOVE Healthy Highway! Love, Fitness Frankie