I spent the week in Ms. P’s and Ms. M's class. I had a blast! When I arrived on Monday they were getting ready to start their Writing activities. The second graders were starting a research project on a book of their choice. They welcomed me into their Writing group and I was able to pick a book I was interested in learning about. I chose to research Motorcycles, since I already know a lot about cars. I found out that a sport bike is a motorcycle built to race!
On Tuesday I continued more Writing and participated in spelling activities with both the second and third graders. During Math, I learned about different types of triangles with the third graders.
When Wednesday arrived, I was waiting in their classroom and ready to learn some more! I learned all about multiplication. I know that if I have two rows of seat in my race car and there are 2 people sitting in each row, I will have a total of total of 4 people sitting in my race car! Multiplying is so much fun! I almost forgot to tell you all the wonderful, healthy foods I ate. I had apple sauce, strawberries, yogurt and bananas. I drank lots of water throughout the day.
Thursday was tons of fun. Even though it was a half-day, I worked really hard and finished my rough draft about Motorcycles. I was filled with joy when I participated in Musical Chair Spelling. When it was time for my friends to leave, Ms. Palermo decided to finish the last song that was playing. I got a lot of exercise singing and dancing to the rest of the song.
Fitness Friday is one of my favorite days of the week. Friday began with a trip to the cafeteria for the Healthy Highway Assembly. During the assembly all my friends exercised to the Life is a Highway song. Boy was I pumped! I ended my fitness Friday fun by gardening in the North Park Gardens. I can’t wait to find out where I will be next week! I LOVE Healthy Highway! Love, Fitness Frankie.