Last week school was closed for Spring Recess, but our office staff still work very hard while the students and teachers are on vacation so Mrs. P. and Mrs. F. offered to take care of me. They are so nice! I had an amazing week! I had a visit from my friend, "Exercise Ernie" who is from Colorado. The first thing that I did was show Exercise Ernie the Gymnasium where I first met the kids and where we spend time exercising and staying fit. On Monday, I went skateboarding on the sidewalk. It is important to be careful when you skateboard, but it can be a lot of fun! That's me and Exercise Ernie in the picture! Exercise Ernie is from Colorado where the Rocky Mountains are located, so he knows how to snow ski, but I introduced him to water skiing! On Tuesday, it rained (an indoor recess type day) so I helped Mr. Lang with some tasks around the school. He worked by buffing the lobby floors and I helped to change a light bulb on the stage. Working around the house or school can also be considered exercise! Since I had a friend visiting I chose activities that can include two people. We played tennis, went on the swings, and played hopscotch together! On Wellness Wednesday, I shared an apple, banana, carrots, and rice cakes with my friend Exercise Ernie. Fruits are very nutritious and fill you up! Exercise Ernie is familiar with rock climbing so he showed me how to rock climb! We had a great time and rock climbing is a great way to exercise! Exercise Ernie and I also had time to relax, which is just as important to maintaining your health. We went to the baseball field and watched a little league baseball game. Exercise Ernie enjoyed his visit so much at North Park that he is looking forward to visiting again when the students are in school! I told him that I LOVE Healthy Highway and he said that he LOVES it too! I can't wait till Exercise Ernie comes back to visit! Love, Fitness Frankie