I had a great week in Mr. P.'s class! It was such a busy week! My friends fed me yogurt, carrots, mandarin oranges and trail mix. On Monday afternoon I looked over some cool Civil War projects in the two 5th grade classrooms. On Tuesday we studied the skeletal system. I found out that your bones need calcium and Vitamin D to stay strong and healthy! On Wednesday we got to practice getting out of a bus that was turned over. All the kids at school did a great job helping each other. On Thursday I helped Mrs. B. check in some homework. After school she took me to Adam's (that's a store) to get some fresh vegetables! Friday was a blast! All the students and teachers did an awesome job jumping at the Jump Show! The pictures above are from the 2011 Jump Show! The monkey is my friend Bono from Ms. F.'s class. Bono and I got to be in the show!!!!! We jumped rope with Ms. F. and Mrs. R.!This was a celebration of everyone's hard work to make Jump Rope for Heart a success. Mrs. R. explained that we raised $2,521.85 this year and $21,017.10 since we started Jump Rope for Heart six years ago! I really liked the story about the anonymous donation, by a student, for .36 cents........ This past weekend I went to a soccer game and walked on the rail trail in Highland. I had a blast in Mr. P'.s class and this week I will be taken care of by Mrs. E.'s class! I LOVE Healthy Highway! Love, Fitness Frankie.