I spent the week in Ms. F's class. We had all kinds of yummy food for Wellness Wednesday. We ate granola bars, apples, oranges, strawberries, and grapes! We exercised on Fitness Friday too. I even did front and back flips with one of my friends in the class! I got to attend morning meeting, PE classes, and even went to technology and learned touch typing! I bet you didn't think that bears could type! I also had my own math center, (Fitness Frankie's Fast Facts) which earned Ms. F's class extra recess time!
When I went to PE, my friends were learning about balance. I learned that when something is balanced, it does not fall! I tried a few of the activities! In the pictures, I am balancing on a noodle and a see saw rocker! It was fun! I also found out that my library book is due back to the library........I may need some help returning it, but I am sure that my new friends will help me! Friday was April 1st - April Fool's Day! My friends played a trick on Mrs. R! They told her that I was lost and then another student brought me in to the gym! Mrs. R was worried! (I wasn't.....everyone takes such good care of me here!) I had a great week in Ms. F's class! I am sure my upcoming week with Mr. P's class will be just as exciting! I LOVE Healthy Highway! Love, Fitness Frankie