I had a great week in Mrs. E's class! On the very first day one of my friends made me a sleeping bag so that I could be comfy and warm at night! After a busy day at North Park I definitely need a good night's sleep! My friends fed me healthy snacks for Wellness Wednesday! We ate Jello, trailmix, apples, blueberries, grapes, cantelope, and even salad! I went to PE with my friends too! They use pedometers in PE. My friends tell me that pedometers count your steps when you exercise! My friends were playing a great game where basketball shooting, passing, and dribbling are all important! In the game, if someone makes a basket, they are allowed to take a bowling pin from the other team's hoop! The object is to get all of the bowling pins before the other team gets yours! It was great fun! That's me in the pictures with the pedometers and the basketball equipment! I exercised with my friends on Fitness Friday! We played "Follow the Leader" around the classroom! We did the Cha Cha, we jogged, and we did the Monster Stomp. It was fun because I was always the leader! This week I am in Mrs. P's class! I LOVE Healthy Highway! Love, Fitness Frankie.