Friday, December 28, 2012

Fitness Frankie's Adventure During Winter Workshops!

Hi everyone,
Fitness Frankie on the High Wire!
    I have been so busy!  Even though I have been at North Park for a few years now, the adventures are still new and amazing!  I just got back from visiting Soccer Sal at his school and I met so many new friends!  I will be writing about that soon!  In the meantime, I spent the last day of school before winter vacation enjoying the circus!  Well, it was not a circus with real animals, but it was fantastic!  At North Park, students get to participate in something called Winter Workshops!  They sign up for some really fun activities and spend the whole day learning new things!  It was really terrific!  Mrs. R and Mrs. M offered a circus workshop where students learned how to spin a plate (fortunately not a real one!), walk on the "high wire"(that's me on the high wire in the picture!), use angel sticks and diablos, juggle, balance feathers, and make animal balloons!  It was so much fun!  Mrs. R told the boys and girls that learning these activities takes Perseverance!  I learned that perseverance means that you keep trying even when something is hard, and that if you believe in yourself you can do anything!  You might notice that I have a new jacket on.  Mrs. R got it for me because I am going on an adventure with Miss H and I think I will see some snow on this adventure - at least I hope so!  In any event, I am ready!  I will tell you all about it when I get back!
The adventures never stop!  I LOVE Healthy Highway!
Love, Fitness Frankie

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Healthy Hannah's Adventure in Mr. C's Class!

Hi everyone,
     I had so much fun in Mr. C's class!  I went to the gymnasium with the class and exercised with Mrs. B's and Mrs. C's class for Fitness Friday!  We did the Cha Cha Slide, jumping jacks, and crab kicks!
     Some of the class had bananas and apples for a healthy snack.  Almost the whole class had something wholesome!  I like berries and honey for my healthy snack!
     I ate potato latkes and applesauce during Mrs. K's Chanukah lesson.  The latkes were great, but we only had a few because they are yellow light foods.  These are foods that we can eat sometimes, but we need to slow down and think about eating them.  Applesauce is always a green light food!
     I also went out for some special exercise last week with the class.  I was happy to be able to move my body and burn off some energy!
     It was a healthy, happy, and awesome week with Mr. C's class!

     I LOVE Healthy Highway!  I wonder what my next adventure will be?
     Love, Healthy Hannah

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Healthy Hannah's Adventure in Mrs. L's Class!

Hi everyone,
    I was taken care of by Mrs. L's class recently!  My friends fed me healthy snacks for Wellness Wednesday!  We ate carrots with honey mustard, apples, blueberries, oatmeal, guacamole, grapes, milk, watermelon and oranges!  I exercised with my friends on Fitness Friday!  We did arm circles and yoga, jumping jacks and push-ups!  Our class also showed me how to do the Fitness Calendar.  This class does the Fitness Calendar together so that they can earn miles for Healthy Highway!  In PE class we did the Daytona 2000 and I learned how to use a pedometer!  I also went outside for recess!  During indoor recess I played with a panda, a monkey, a garfield, and a green bear!  What a wonderful adventure!  I had so much fun and I learned so much!

I LOVE Healthy Highway!  I wonder which classroom I am going to visit next........

Love, Healthy Hannah

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Fitness Frankie and Friends' Adventure at the NYS AHPERD Conference!

Hi everyone,

     Guess what?  Mrs. R took Physical Eddie, Healthy Hannah, and I to the NYS AHPERD conference this week!  This is my second year going to the conference so I showed Physical Eddie and Healthy Hannah all about it!  This is a very big conference where PE teachers get together from all over New York State to learn new activities and to get even better at teaching!  I guess adults like to learn too!  We went to a very important meeting about Jump Rope for Heart!  We learned about how important Jump Rope for Heart is to so many people!  We also got to see Mrs. C of Healthy Highway!  She and Mrs. R taught other PE teachers about Healthy Highway and Mrs. R introduced them to us!  They thought we were very cute!  Mrs. C had a surprise for us.  She presented us with a Pledge Revolution Certificate for everyone at North Park because we all signed the Healthy Highway Pledge!  We are very proud and can't wait to share it with everyone at North Park this week!
We LOVE Healthy Highway!   How about you?
Fitness Frankie, Physical Eddie, and Healthy Hannah

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Physical Eddie's Adventure in Mrs. M's Class!

Hi Everyone,
      I spent the past two weeks in Mrs. M’s third grade class.  I got to be a reading buddy and hear some of the stories that students were reading during DEAR time.  In P.E. we played Peek-a-Who and I was one of the people who hid behind the tarp. I felt happy that the class noticed that I was missing!  I got to spend some time with Fitness Frankie too!  In science, I learned about the parts of a plant and the job of each part.  We also learned about the parts inside a flower.  On Halloween, I got to do some of the candy experiments.  Do you know that about half of the weight of gum is sugar?  I also learned a lot of facts about pumpkins.  I had lots of healthy snacks: apples, peaches, carrots, goldfish crackers, applesauce, pumpkin bread, pineapple, z bar energy bar, and grapes. I also went to the Walkway over the Hudson with Mrs. R and the fifth grade students and went to the Healthy Highway assembly on Friday. I can’t wait to see who I get to visit next!

I LOVE Healthy Highway!

 Love, Physical Eddie

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Healthy Hannah's Adventure in Mrs. C's and Mrs. H's Class!

Hi everyone,
    I am Healthy Hannah and I had a great few weeks in Mrs. C's and Mrs. H's class!  We made a healthy snack called "Mummy Pizzas" for Fun Food Friday, using English muffins, pizza sauce, and vegetables like red and green peppers and green onions.  It was delicious!

     Unfortunately, one weekend when I was at school alone with Truffle, our class guinea pig, a hurricane hit!  We looked out the windows and saw trees whipping around, but I was brave and told Truffle not to be afraid!
     I went to P.E. with the students and we played Tanks and Commanders, which is a trust game.  The tanks had blindfolds on and it was so much fun!  This is a picture of me with a blindfold on and the next picture is of me in the pedometer pocket!
     In Social Studies, I learned about the three branches of the government and the upcoming presidential election.  I joined the students as they went to stations during reading.
     On Halloween, we watched a funny movie, "Dreamworks Spooky Stories."  I laughed hysterically!
     Today is my last day and I was excited to do "Monkey in the Middle" for Fitness Friday.  The class was so good during October that they earned a choice activity.  I get to go out at the end of the day for extra recess!
     I had such a great time in Mrs. C's and Mrs. H's class!
     I wonder where I will go next?

     Now I understand why Fitness Frankie loves Healthy Highway!  I LOVE Healthy Highway too!

Love, Healthy Hannah

Monday, October 29, 2012

Physical Eddie's Adventure in Mr. P's Class!

Dear North Parkers,
     I'm Physical Eddie and I have been hanging out with Mr. P's students for the past two weeks.
     In Math, students helped me solve division problems.  I also got to play a game called "Buzz".  I didn't win but everyone in class encouraged me to keep at it.  Right after Math I had some dry roasted edamame for a snack.
     In Science, we've been working with sodium polyacrylate.  They use it to make super absorbent diapers.  This week we were trying to figure out if the amount of water used affects the flow rate.  For my afternoon snack I had a delicious honey crisp apple.
     In Social Studies the class has been following the Presidential race.  We have been reading about the Electoral College and putting together a list of pros and cons for each candidate.  All this talk about politics really made me hungry, so for a snack I had a nutritious power bar.
    I had a blast traveling with the class to all their specials.  In PE class we are learning how to problem solve and work together!  We played a game called Moon Ball.  It was really fun!  I've really enjoyed recess with all the 5th graders and look forward to moving on to my next class!  Remember to exercise and eat healthy everyday!  I can understand why Fitness Frankie loves Healthy Highway!  I LOVE Healthy Highway too!
Love, Physical Eddie

Monday, September 17, 2012

Fitness Frankie's Golf Adventure!

Hi everyone,

     As you probably know by now, I had an amazing summer!   I did not get to tell you yet about my last adventure of the summer because I actually just got back from Myrtle Beach!  Mrs. R's son and a friend invited me to go on vacation with them!  Mrs. R asked them to take really good care of me and, of course, they did!  I got to fly on an airplane!  Mrs. R's son Chris and his friend Steve took me to play golf with them.  I was so excited because not only did they bring their own real golf clubs to play with, but they brought a set for me!!!  They were just the right size and I had a terrific time!  Golf is a great activity because you can play if for your whole life!  Mrs. R calls it a "Lifetime sport"!  I got back home safe and sound.  We had a great week and I was very grateful to be taken along! The adventures never stop!
I LOVE Healthy Highway!
Love, Fitness Frankie

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Fitness Frankie's Summer Adventure!

The Roosevelt Cottage at Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada
Hi everyone,
A car show!
     I can't believe that it is time to go back to school!  I had an AWESOME summer vacation!  Mrs. R. took me on all kinds of adventures!  I can't wait to tell all of the boys and girls at North Park all about them!  I want to share a few of the highlights with you!  I went to a real car show!  We walked to the car show so that we could exercise and enjoy the cars!  Look at a few of the great things I got to do!  I was able to make many healthy choices this summer and I can't wait for a new year at North Park!
Bicycling in the Adirondack Mountains
Golf with my friend Exercise Eddie from Beacon!
Blueberry picking in upstate New York
A walk on the Cliff Walk Trail in Portland, Maine

Visiting a school garden in New York
Learning how to play pickleball!

I LOVE Healthy Highway!  I think that it is going to be another great year!  Will you join me on the Healthy Highway this year?
Love, Fitness Frankie

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Fitness Frankie's Adventure During the Last Day of School!

Hi everyone,
     This year at North Park has been terrific and we all celebrated during the last day of school!   We all learned so much on the Healthy Highway this year!  Everyone was very excited and we are all looking forward to our summer vacation!  The fifth graders celebrated with a breakfast and a slideshow and many of the rest of my friends celebrated in their classrooms as they got ready to say good-by to their teachers (just for the summer of course!).
North Park said good-bye in a very special way and I got to help!  All of the teachers came outside during dismissal and Mrs. R had colorful streamers for all of the adults so that they could wave good-bye!  Some of the teachers brought bubbles and everyone was taking pictures!  When the fifth graders came out to the buses, the adults made an arch with the streamers and cheered for the students!  It was quite a sight!  Then, everyone waved, the bus drivers blew their horns, and the students were off to their summer adventure!  Mrs. R tells me that we are going to have some adventures of our own this summer!  I can't wait!
I'll tell you all about them when I get back!
I LOVE Healthy Highway!
Love, Fitness Frankie

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Healthy Hannah Visits!

Hi everyone,
 My name is Healthy Hannah and I am from Savannah Georgia!  I heard all about your school from Fitness Frankie and he invited me to come to North Park next year to learn all about making healthy choices on the Healthy Highway!  Mrs. J invited me to come for a visit and we went camping together a few weekends ago!  We had a great time!  We exercised by playing on the playground and taking walks on a heart healthy trail, and we ate healthy foods like fresh salads and fruit!  I made some new friends at the campground and I hope that you will all be my friends too!  Fitness Frankie told me that I would get to spend some time in each of your classrooms and that you would teach me how to make a healthy choice everyday!  I am so excited!  I can’t wait to come to North Park in September!  In the meantime, I will practice my healthy choices this summer by Playing 60 minutes everyday.  I heard that all of the boys and girls at North Park have pledged to do the same thing!  I think we are off to a great start!  I know that I am going to love North Park and Healthy Highway too!

Healthy Hannah from Savannah 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Our Adventure With Real CIA Chefs!

Hi everyone,
    You will never believe our latest adventure!  We had a whole day at North Park with chefs from the Culinary Institute of America!  The CIA is right here in Hyde Park and it is a special school where students learn to be real live chefs!  Chef Rico and Chef Christina came to North Park on Wellness Wednesday and taught us how to make healthy snacks!  Different grade levels came to the cafeteria and not only did they learn how to make healthy snacks, they also got to help make them and eat them too!  They made spring rolls with vegetables, white bean hummus with pita bread, tortillas with avocado dip, yogurt dip with apples, and strawberry cream cheese (low fat, of course) dip on graham crackers!  It was a very yummy day and Exercise Ernie and I got to be there too!  The boys and girls learned so much and loved the snacks!  To be honest, some of the boys and girls had never tried some of these snacks, so it was a little scary to try something new, but Mrs. R and the teachers told us that even if we did not like something, it was OK because all we had to do was try it!  This was a fantastic day for all of us!  Thank you to the CIA and Chef Rico and Chef Christina!  Click here to view a slideshow of this event!
We LOVE Healthy Highway!

Love, Fitness Frankie and Exercise Ernie

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Our adventure during Family Fitness Night!

Hi everyone,

     Exercise Ernie and I had a new adventure together last week!  Mrs. R and the adults at North Park created a Family Fitness Night and it was the first ever at North Park!  Miss H and Miss L from our food service department helped us to get a Fuel Up to Play 60 grant and we want everyone to Play 60 minutes so this was a great start!  This night was for families to exercise and learn about physical fitness and nutrition together!  We met so many new families and guess what?  Some of our new families had already heard about Exercise Ernie and I!  I wonder how that happened........some of the families said that they had seen us on the website!  I guess we are famous!  Anyway, we had a great time exercising, checking our heart rates, using stethoscopes, learning about healthy foods with MY Plate bingo, and we even got to eat a healthy snack that was made by real chefs from the Culinary Institute of America!  That's me in the picture with them!  Mrs. C., from Healthy Highway was there too!  She brought me a special apron for the event!  She also brought Baking Bella and we got to play together!  It was a great night and Mrs. R says we can do it again next year!  We can't wait!  Click on Family Fitness Night to see some pictures!
We LOVE Healthy Highway!
Fitness Frankie and Exercise Ernie

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Exercise Ernie's Memorial Day Weekend Adventure!

Hi everyone,

      I know that Fitness Frankie has been telling you all about his adventures during National Physical Fitness Month, and I am having some terrific adventures too!  This past weekend, Memorial Day weekend, I got to go home with Mrs. W and her family!  We had an amazing time getting to know each other.  I went to the doctor’s office for a check-up.  The doctor was very nice and told me that I was healthy!  She also told us how important it is to eat fruits and vegetables and exercise every day because our bodies need healthy foods and exercise to grow.  I also went to Ballet Class and I learned that it is important to stretch and when you dance you work up a sweat!  You’ll never believe it but I saw one of my North Park friends, at the Dance Center!  He was dancing too!  On Saturday I went to a baseball game with Mrs. W’s son.  I even got to sit in the dugout with the boys!  They told me how important it is to drink lots of fluids during the game so your muscles do not get cramps or become weak.  The boys also tried to convince me that the Yankees were the best baseball team, but I told them that it was the Colorado Rockies!  I AM from Colorado you know!  I had healthy food at a cook-out with the family!  We ate shish kabobs with eggplant, mushrooms, onions, and green peppers, and we also had corn on the cob and a green salad.  Watermelon was for dessert – YUMMY!
Memorial Day was very busy because I sang with Mrs. W’s daughter and some middle school students at the Memorial Day Ceremonies.  It was such an honor to be a part of something so meaningful.  It is always important to take time to remember the ones who fought for our freedoms…….Next, we went for a walk on the Walkway Over the Hudson.  I heard Fitness Frankie was there on an adventure too!  I learned that the Walkway is the longest, elevated pedestrian bridge in the world!  It is 212 feet tall and 1.28 miles long.  We walked from Poughkeepsie to Highland and back for a total of 2 and a half miles!  It was very hot that day – 99 degrees, but Mrs. W made sure we had plenty of water and frozen berries to eat!  I had a great time with Mrs. W’s family!  Thank you so much for including me in all of your families’ activities!  I LOVE Healthy Highway!  Love, Exercise Ernie

Monday, May 28, 2012

Fitness Frankie's Memorial Weekend Adventure!

Hi everyone,

I had an amazing Memorial Day Weekend Adventure!  Mrs. R took me home with her and our friends from Indiana were visiting!  I came from Indiana too!  Anyway, our friends were visiting the historic FDR estate and they brought me a new friend!  His name is FDR Bear!  He has a presidential seal because FDR was a President of the United States!  On Friday, Mrs. R's cousins from England came to visit too!  I had met them when we went to London last year!  They were very happy to see me again!  We all went to the Walkway Over the Hudson and had a terrific time!  FDR Bear and I took a break when we got to the other side of the Walkway and we had a drink of water.  It was very hot that day and I learned that it is important to drink lots of water when you exercise.  We went all the way across the Walkway and back for a total of two and a half miles!
On Sunday we went to the Great Sacandaga Lake in the Adirondack Mountains!  It is so beautiful on the lake!  Mrs. R's son and some friends came too and they made healthy choices by playing whiffle ball, football, and catch with a baseball!  That's me in the picture with them!  Guess what?  Mrs. R's son and one of his friends went to North Park when they were kids so they know all about PE at North Park!  On Monday, Mrs. R took FDR Bear and me on a trip on her kayak.  It was a beautiful morning and there were many other kayakers on the lake.  They were all so nice!  One of the kayakers asked Mrs. R if her kayak was built for three.......It is a very long kayak with storage and seating for one, but if you count FDR Bear and me, the kayak held three!!!!  We had a great time and got plenty of exercise!  Exercise Ernie is off on another adventure too!  I wonder if I will hear from him soon?  I have so much to tell him and I want to hear all about his adventures too!  I LOVE Healthy Highway!

Love, Fitness Frankie

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Fitness Frankie's Weekend with Mrs. G's Family!

Hi everyone,
     Since May is Physical Fitness Month, Mrs. R asked the adults at North Park to take Exercise Ernie and me on some adventures to show the boys and girls that EVERYBODY needs to exercise - not just kids!  I started the month with an amazing adventure with Mrs. G and her family!  They were very busy, and I got to follow them everywhere!  I enjoyed running around at Mrs. G's son's soccer game and I loved the ice pop at the end! (A treat once in a while is ok!)  I went on a run with the family on the Walkway Over the Hudson and I made sure to stay hydrated (that means drink plenty of water...).  On Sunday morning I went with Mrs. G to the gym to exercise.  This is a picture of me on a piece of equipment called "the erg".  I rowed on the erg, went on the elliptical machine (kind of like running in place), and I also made sure to do some strength training to keep my muscles strong!  I had so much fun with Mrs. G's family and they told Mrs. R that they loved having ME!  There are so many more adventures coming up!  Exercise Ernie is having some adventures too and he will tell you all about them soon!  I LOVE Healthy Highway!
Love, Fitness Frankie

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Bus Safety Adventure!

Hi everyone,
    Exercise Ernie and I had a new adventure today!  There was a very special bus at North Park!  Part of the bus was made so that it looked like it had turned on it's side and the other part of the bus was like a regular school bus!  All of the boys and girls went into the bus and learned how to get out of the bus safely!  They had to go out the back door, through the window, and through the top of the bus when they were in the part of the bus that had turned on it's side!  The bus drivers were SO nice!  They taught the boys and girls everything they needed to know - just in case!  Exercise Ernie and I got a turn too!  We listened to directions, and then we climbed out of the bus!  The drivers helped us of course!  Safety is a VERY important part of Healthy Highway!  It just keeps getting better and better!  We LOVE Healthy Highway!

Love, Fitness Frankie and Exercise Ernie

Monday, April 30, 2012

"The Body Shop!"

Hi everyone,
   Exercise Ernie and I spent last week in the Health Office, also known as "The Body Shop" with Mrs. J., our school nurse!  The students that came in were really surprised to see us!  It is a busy place with a lot going on!  Many of the children that come in wash their hands.  We learned that washing hands is the best way to stop germs from spreading and keep you from getting sick.  These are the 5 steps to hand washing:
1.  Run your hands under warm water.
2.  Soap up your hands.
3.  Rub your hands together.
4.  Rinse hands under warm water.
5.  Dry hands with a paper towel.

     We also learned how important it is to eat breakfast.   Some students came in to the health office in the morning with headaches and stomach aches.  They had not eaten breakfast.  A car needs gas to run and people need food to keep their engines running!  We saw students coming in right from the bus who had fallen on the sidewalk.  They told Mrs. Jacco they were running.  She told them they needed to walk from the bus into the school and down to their classrooms.  Walking helps keep everyone safe. We hope we can come back soon to "The Body Shop"!

We LOVE Healthy Highway!

Love, Fitness Frankie and Exercise Ernie

Monday, April 23, 2012

Exercise Ernie's Adventure in Mrs. L's Class!

Hi everyone,
     I spent the week in Mrs. Lange’s class.  All of my friends fed me healthy snacks on Wellness Wednesday!  We ate carrots and lots of fruits.  My two favorite snacks were the pineapple and the carrots.  Yummy!  Did YOU eat healthy snacks last week? 
     For Fitness Friday Mrs. L’s class went to the gym!  It was tons of fun!  We did speedstacking!  The best part was that Mr. P’s class was there too!  Everyone was cooperating and working together!  I also got to go to Jump Rope for Heart!  This was my very first event!  Fitness Frankie told me what a great event it was and how we were going to help others who might not have healthy hearts.  He was right! That's me in the picture holding one of Mrs. R's hearts!  I had a wonderful time with my friends!  
I had a great time with Mrs. L’s class!
     I LOVE Healthy Highway!  I wonder what my next adventure will be! 

Love, Exercise Ernie

Friday, April 20, 2012

Fitness Frankie's Adventure in Mrs. L's Class!

Hi everyone!
     I spent the last two school weeks in Mrs. L's class:  the week before spring recess and the week after.  Boy, have I been busy!
     Before the spring recess, we were getting ready for Jump Rope for Heart.  We made really cool posters that taught us ways to keep our hearts healthy.  During Jump Rope for Heart, I went from station to station with my 1st and 2nd grade friends from Mrs. L's class.  My favorite station was hopscotch.  That's me in the picture!  All of the kids worked really hard.  I was impressed with their jump roping skills!  On Fitness Friday, we went outside with Mrs. B's class.  We all made a "human heart" formation on the playground.  Mrs. L climbed to the top of the slide to take a photo.  The photo helps remind us to always take good care of our hearts.  You can see this picture by clicking here !
     I also attended the school play, Pinocchio, before the spring recess.  On the night of the performance, I was back stage....offering support to everybody before they went on stage.  What a great job all of the actors did!
     I spent the spring recess with Mrs. L and her family.  I went for a three mile walk everyday with Mrs. L.  Her speed and endurance surprised me!  I helped Mr. L rake out the gardens.
     This past week at school was very busy with science activities.  The class did really exciting water activities:  sink and float and waterproofing!
     I must say that I have been very busy these past few weeks.  Everyone took great care of me.  They fed me healthy snacks and made sure that I exercised my body and brain each day.  I wonder where I will go next?
     I LOVE Healthy Highway!
     Love, Fitness Frankie

Friday, April 13, 2012

Fitness Frankie Got Mail!

Hi everyone,
   Guess what?  I got mail!  That’s right!  A box with MY name on it was delivered to Mrs. R!  The box was from North Carolina!  I was so excited and I could not imagine what was inside!  You’ll never guess so I will tell you!   Inside the box were two new friends!  Their names are Federal Phoebe and Federal Freddie and they came from the FBI Academy in Virginia!  Also inside the box was a letter addressed to me explaining why they were sent to me and the boys and girls at North Park!  Federal Phoebe and Federal Freddie have just completed the FBI National Academy and they learned all about physical fitness!  They heard about Healthy Highway from Mrs. R. and so they decided that I would want to know about THEIR adventure!  Their adventure at the FBI Academy included learning about how to exercise and make healthy food choices and each day they worked harder and harder!  They wrote to me about a very challenging obstacle course that they worked very hard to complete during their time at the academy.   It took three months to complete the academy! Guess what?  They actually completed the course and they were presented with a Yellow Brick!  Now, a yellow brick might not seem to be a big deal, but Federal Phoebe and Federal Freddie told me that this brick was VERY special!  This brick was a symbol of many yellow bricks that US Marines left behind to show their fellow Marines the way through the course and anyone who completes the course after working very hard earns one of their own!  They sent me a picture of them with their brick!  Isn't it terrific?  I am VERY proud of them and so happy that they wanted to share their accomplishment with all of the boys and girls at North Park and me!  Wouldn’t it be great if others wanted to share their adventures with me too?  Wait, that gives me an idea!  If you would like to share your adventures with me you can do what Federal Phoebe and Federal Freddie did! Write a letter or send a picture or even send a character to me at North Park! 
My address is: 
Fitness Frankie
C/O North Park Elementary School
PO Box 722
Hyde Park, NY   12538
I can’t wait to see what happens next! 
Love Fitness Frankie

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Fitness Frankie's and Exercise Ernie's Adventure During Jump Rope for Heart!

 Hi everyone,
    Exercise Ernie and I had an unbelievable adventure this week during Jump Rope for Heart at North Park!  This is a terrific event where the boys and girls do all kinds of jumping and jumping rope during the entire day!  Mrs. R. taught all of us that Jump Rope for Heart helps us to learn how to keep our own hearts healthy and also help others with hearts that might not be as healthy by raising money for the American Heart Association.  It is a terrific cause and Exercise Ernie and I were happy to help and so proud to be a part of it!  It was Exercise Ernie's first time for Jump Rope for Heart so I showed him the "ropes"!  (I can be pretty funny, right????)  Anyway, we had a great time and all of the boys and girls and grown-ups at North Park worked very hard!  We were so proud when Mrs. C from the American Heart Association brought this year's banner!  That's me in the picture checking it out!  Exercise Ernie checked his heart rate during the event and we even got to hear our own heart beat using a stethoscope!  Eating healthy is important for your heart too so Mrs. R. asked the boys and girls to pretend to feed us by choosing healthy food stickers to put on construction paper cutouts of Exercise Ernie and me!  They fed us really healthy foods like fruits and vegetables!  Yummy!
It was a very rewarding day!  Mrs. R. said that she was so proud of everyone!  THAT made us smile!

It's just one great adventure after another here at North Park!
We LOVE Healthy Highway!
Love, Fitness Frankie and Exercise Ernie