Hi everyone,

You will never believe our latest adventure! We had a whole day at North Park with chefs from the Culinary Institute of America! The CIA is right here in Hyde Park and it is a special school where students learn to be real live chefs! Chef Rico and Chef Christina came to North Park on Wellness Wednesday and taught us how to make healthy snacks! Different grade levels came to the cafeteria and not only did they learn how to make healthy snacks, they also got to help make them and eat them too! They made spring rolls with vegetables, white bean hummus with pita bread, tortillas with avocado dip, yogurt dip with apples, and strawberry cream cheese (low fat, of course) dip on graham crackers! It was a very yummy day and Exercise Ernie and I got to be there too! The boys and girls learned so much and loved the snacks! To be honest, some of the boys and girls had never tried some of these snacks, so it was a little scary to try something new, but Mrs. R and the teachers told us that even if we did not like something, it was OK because all we had to do was try it! This was a fantastic day for all of us! Thank you to the CIA and Chef Rico and Chef Christina!
Click here to view a slideshow of this event!
We LOVE Healthy Highway!
Love, Fitness Frankie and Exercise Ernie