I came from Indianapolis, Indiana as a gift to Mrs. R. I love race cars! North Park has many race cars in the hallways because they are moving down the Healthy Highway! I love to play and exercise and eat healthy food! Mrs. Robelee told me that I would get a chance to visit each classroom this year and be a part of North Park Healthy Highway! My friends at North Park are going to help me keep a journal of my adventure! Healthy Hannah and Physical Eddie are joining us this year!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Healthy Highway "Driver of the Year!"

Monday, May 23, 2011
Fitness Frankie's Weekend Adventure with Ms. V!
This weekend I went and hung out with Ms. V. We were very busy! Ms. V. is learning a new language called Arabic! On Friday after school she brought me to her class and taught me how to say "al tal e boon, ja de doon" which means: "I am the new student"! I even practiced saying it to all my new friends in the class!
On Saturday we traveled to Teaneck, NJ, where Ms. V. had a soccer game against other women. Some were even other teachers from New Jersey! Ms. V's team won and I helped score a goal! It was a lot of good exercise and I felt healthy running around with my teammates! We shared oranges and water after the game. Boy was I thirsty!
Ms. V. and I went to Millbrook, NY on Sunday. I even got to go swimming at the Country Club where Ms. V. works during the summer! I met all of the lifeguards and they showed me how to be safe around the pool. The lifeguards were getting the pool ready for Memorial Day Weekend. Memorial Day is a national holiday. It's when we celebrate and remember all of the soldiers who fought for our country! It also marks the beginning of the summer when all of the pools open! Yay!
I had a great weekend! I can't wait to see who I spend time with next! I LOVE Healthy Highway! Love, Fitness Frankie
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Fitness Frankie's Adventure in the Cafeteria!

Monday, May 16, 2011
Fitness Frankie's Adventure at the Dance Recital!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Fitness Frankie's Adventure at the SEZ Awards Ceremony!

Fitness Frankie's Golf Adventure!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Fitness Frankie's Adventures with Mrs. R.!

Fitness Frankie's Weekend Adventure!
Mrs. R. is letting me go home with some of the adults at North Park during May so that I can exercise and eat healthy foods with them! This past weekend I went home with Mrs. B. for the weekend. I was quite a busy bear! On Friday night I went to a track meet in New Paltz to watch Mrs. B's boys Michael and Ryan run. I even traveled across the Mid-Hudson Bridge and I was able to see some boats in the Hudson River. When I was at the track meet I was able to run in one of the races. I did not come in in the top five for my race, but I really did try my best. While I was at the track meet I even saw Alexa from Mrs. F's class! It was fun to see someone I knew from school. Then on Saturday morning I was able to go to gymnastics with Olivia, Mrs. B's daughter. I had a great time there too! Olivia's teachers helped me to hang from the bar both by my hands and then upside down. I have to admit, hanging upside down was a little scary. The best part of gymnastics was jumping across the tumble track (that's kind of like a trampoline) with Olivia. She held my hands and made sure that I jumped safely. Finally, on Sunday I went to the baseball field to watch Michael and Ryan play two games of baseball. When I was at the games I was actually able to take a few turns trying to hit the ball, but that is hard work. To take a break I spent some time running around and then sitting on the bleachers to watch the game. After I was done I actually went home to enjoy a little nap. I can't wait to see where my next set of adventures will take me! I LOVE Healthy Highway! Love, Fitness Frankie
Fitness Frankie's Adventure in Mrs. B's Class!
I spent the week with Mrs. B's second grade. What a fun and adventurous week it was!
Each morning began with helping my friends with morning work. I was adding and subtracting double-digit numbers, practicing my spelling words in cursive, and making Mother's Day gifts.
After morning work, I worked hard learning about non-fiction topics during Writer's Workshop. There was so much research to do in books and on the internet.
Then I was able to have some fun during Literacy Station time. I especially liked sorting "oo" words, listening to plant books on tape, coming up with adjectives and reading books with my friends. I learned that there is another kind of highway besides "Healthy Highway". I learned about how a tree's "highway" works!
Next, I enjoyed learning about FDR and his pet dog Fala. FDR was the 32nd President of the United States. Fala was specially trained to live in the White House with the Roosevelts. Too bad I won't be going on their field trip to FDR next week!
And talk about fun......I got to go outside and see baby bluebirds that hatched in Mrs. B's birdhouse! The bluebirds were sleeping and covered with their down feathers. The mother bluebird watched us from a tree branch as we quietly peeked in the birdhouse. I also planted beans in a bottle. Hopefully, I can come back to visit their room to see if the bluebirds left their nest and if the beans grew!
On Wellness Wednesday, I help our class nutritionist make sure that each child had a healthy snack. I nibbled on some pretzels, apples, 100% fruit bar, and a Fiber One bar which really filled me up for a long time! Then I washed my food down with some refreshing spring water!
During PE this week I learned some exercises to make your muscles strong! I learned how to do "Push-up Taps", and "Nerf Ball Leg Lifts"! I also learned some new dances! I learned "Jump Jim Joe", and Can't Jump Josie"! During this week we were also celebrating National Physical Education and Sport Week and Mrs. R. read an important quote about Physical Fitness each day during the announcements. I learned something new every day!
Last, I joined our entire school for Project ACES. Project ACES means All Children Exercising Simultaneously. This is a national project where children all throughout the United States exercise during this week! Our entire school exercised outside together. It was wonderful to see our school working together and being successful! Project ACES was a great highway trail to Sucess Circle (The road we are traveling down this month!). You can see some great pictures (even me!) by clicking on the words Project ACES. Thanks to my friends in Mrs. B's class for a great week! I LOVE Healthy Highway! Love, Fitness Frankie
Monday, May 2, 2011
Fitness Frankie's Weekend with Ms. P!

Sunday, May 1, 2011
Fitness Frankie's Adventures in Ms. P's Class!

I spent the week in Ms. P’s and Ms. M's class. I had a blast! When I arrived on Monday they were getting ready to start their Writing activities. The second graders were starting a research project on a book of their choice. They welcomed me into their Writing group and I was able to pick a book I was interested in learning about. I chose to research Motorcycles, since I already know a lot about cars. I found out that a sport bike is a motorcycle built to race!
On Tuesday I continued more Writing and participated in spelling activities with both the second and third graders. During Math, I learned about different types of triangles with the third graders.
When Wednesday arrived, I was waiting in their classroom and ready to learn some more! I learned all about multiplication. I know that if I have two rows of seat in my race car and there are 2 people sitting in each row, I will have a total of total of 4 people sitting in my race car! Multiplying is so much fun! I almost forgot to tell you all the wonderful, healthy foods I ate. I had apple sauce, strawberries, yogurt and bananas. I drank lots of water throughout the day.
Thursday was tons of fun. Even though it was a half-day, I worked really hard and finished my rough draft about Motorcycles. I was filled with joy when I participated in Musical Chair Spelling. When it was time for my friends to leave, Ms. Palermo decided to finish the last song that was playing. I got a lot of exercise singing and dancing to the rest of the song.
Fitness Friday is one of my favorite days of the week. Friday began with a trip to the cafeteria for the Healthy Highway Assembly. During the assembly all my friends exercised to the Life is a Highway song. Boy was I pumped! I ended my fitness Friday fun by gardening in the North Park Gardens. I can’t wait to find out where I will be next week! I LOVE Healthy Highway! Love, Fitness Frankie.