Monday, February 27, 2012

Fitness Frankie's Adventure in Mrs. B's and Mrs. S's Class!

Hi everyone,
     My very first day in Room 3 was the 100th day of school and boy, did I have fun!  All of our activities that day centered on the number 100.  Our morning read aloud was called The 100th Day of School.  We counted to 100 by 2, 5, 10, and 25!  At the  end of the day, we visited different theme stations and made 100th day trail mix (yum!) and 100 bead necklaces.  What a busy day!

     Day 2 was Valentine's Day and I have never felt so loved!  In the morning, all of the children and teachers decorated our very own mailboxes to hold our cards.  That's mine in the picture!  In the afternoon, each child shared a Secret Valentine letter that they had written about a classmate.  There were lots of smiles on the faces of the children as they listened to the kind words of their classmates.  After that, we exchanged Valentine's Day cards and had a party before we went home.  I had such a fun day and loved reading all of the cards that the children made for me.

     During the rest of the week I learned about turn around facts and 3D shapes.  I also learned about adjectives and came up with some adjectives to describe my friends in Room 3:  kind, helpful, funny, smart, caring, hardworking and diligent.  I also learned about President's Day.

     Over the long weekend I went home with Mrs. B and relaxed.  We went to the gym every day to keep fit.  I also helped Mr. B wallpaper the bathroom!  

     The next week was a busy one.  I spent time learning about Economics and how we earn and spend money.  I also learned about needs and wants and supply and demand.  We made collages, played games, designed a homework machine and watched a video called the Lorax.

     The children and teachers took good care of me.  They fed me healthy snacks like strawberries, apples, granola bars, pretzels, and carrots.  I especially enjoyed going to a different special each day.  During PE class I watched the second graders while they worked on their PE portfolio.  This portfolio is very special because it has all of the work that the children have been doing this year to learn and get fit during PE!  It will go home with the children at the end of the school year.  I bet their families will be so proud of them!

     I wonder where I will spend next week?  I LOVE Healthy Highway!

Love, Fitness Frankie


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Exercise Ernie's Adventure in Mrs. S's Class!

Hi everyone,
     For the last week and a half, I have been in Mrs. S's third grade class. My friends fed me healthy snacks on Thursday as part of our good-bye party for one of our friends.  I had delicious carrots and grapes.  I got to exercise everyday by going outside at recess and learning all about gymnastics in PE!  That's me in the picture learning to do a log roll!  One of my favorite exercises was going on the swing!
     I learned a lot during my time in this class.  I got to read some amazing books to help the class get ready for their winter reading challenge.  In science, I learned all about static electricity and worked on a science experiment for the Science Far.  It was fun in music playing the recorder!  I enjoyed spending time with these amazing third graders!
     I LOVE Healthy Highway!  I wonder what my next adventure is going to be?
Love, Exercise Ernie

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fitness Frankie's Adventure in Mrs. S's Class!

Hi everyone,
    Last week I spent my time in Mrs. S's class.  Boy oh boy, do my friends in Room 4 know how to stay active!  The children in Room 4 follow through with their pledge to make "one healthy choice everyday to keep their engines strong".  This pledge is from Healthy Highway and we say it everyday!  They ate very healthy snacks such as oranges, crackers, apples, celery sticks with peanut butter and yogurt!  I got to dance everyday to the "Cha Cha Slide" and "YMCA" before Writer's Workshop.  In PE, I got to participate in gymnastic activities with both my kindergarten and first grade classmates.  I was certainly kept engaged and very active throughout the week with my friends in Room 4!  It was really nice to be able to give my muscles a rest over the weekend before moving on to my next fitness adventure this week in Mrs. B's class!  I LOVE Healthy Highway!
Love, Fitness Frankie

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Fitness Frankie's Adventure in Mrs. C's Class!

Hi everyone,
    One of my friends in Mrs. C's class wrote about me during Writer's Workshop!  She wrote about my adventures in her class!  She even drew pictures of me and Exercise Ernie!  This is what she wrote:
"Fitness Frankie"
For snack we had pineapple.  PE was extra fun with Fitness Frankie!
Mrs. C added to the story with: "He made a friend here, Brown Bear.   They read together.  We all spent "No Name Calling Week" together.  Acceptance is healthy for everyone's spirit and heart.  We can't wait to host Fitness Frankie again!
Wasn't that a great story!  I had a wonderful time in Mrs. C's class!  I LOVE Healthy Highway!  I can't wait to find out about my next adventure!

Love, Fitness Frankie

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Exercise Ernie's Adventure in Mr. P's Class!

Hi everyone,
      I spent this past week in Mr. P's class.  On Monday, the students worked hard on their "courage" writing pieces.  Mrs. S is an amazing writer.  She gave the students a lot of great ideas to improve their writing.  I can't wait to read some of these pieces!  For snack today I ate some sweet clementines.
     On Tuesday, Mr. P reminded all the students that the results for their Science projects were due tomorrow.  I had fun at recess, but some kids were calling me Exercise Ernest, so I politely told them that my name is Exercise Ernie.  It's important that people call you by your real name.  (I learned this during No Name Calling Week!)  Later that day I read over several stories about having courage; some of them brought tears to my eyes......  For snack today I had a yogurt with some granola.
     On Wednesday I looked over some Science project results with Mr. P.  We spent some time talking with students about what they still needed to work on for the next two weeks.  I had a blast at recess; students made sure to call me by my real name.  Later that day for Wellness Wednesday I had some delicious green peppers!
     On Thursday I took pictures of some science projects.  One student in class could not get his fruit powered battery to work, so Mr. P and I sat down and helped him come up with some solutions.  I had grapes and some honey-mint green tea for snack today.
     On Friday we were able to get the fruit powered battery to work.  Mrs. M brought in a volt meter and we were able to test a lemon, a lime, and an orange.  Science is a blast!  At recess I played kickball.  At the end of the day I snacked on some trail mix.
     I spent the weekend at Mr. P's house.  He spent most of the weekend working on report cards.  I spent most of the weekend playing outside with his three goofy dogs!  On Sunday we watched the Super Bowl.  What an awesome game!  Both teams played great, but in the end the Giants were able to pull it off and win.  I can't wait to find out where I am going next!  I LOVE Healthy Highway!
Love, Exercise Ernie

Exercise Ernie's Week in Mrs. F's and Mrs. B's Class!

Hi everyone,
     I got to spend time recently in Mrs. F's and Mrs. B's classes!  This is one really big class with two teachers and we had so much fun!  While I was there, I learned some Math!  I helped my first grade friends how to measure using "non-standard" measurement.  At first, I did not know what that was, but I learned fast!  Then, during Language Arts, I helped the kindergarten students with a snowman poem and I even learned how to read the word "is"!
While I was with my friends, I ate a banana, cheese sticks, apples, lots of goldfish crackers, granola bars, Cheez-its, applesauce, pretzels, peaches, strawberries, grapes, oranges, a peanut butter sandwich, blueberries, and I drank a lot of water!  I was stuffed!  We all enjoyed our Wellness Wednesday snacks!
I also went to PE with the class!  
We all learned how to do a donkey kick (there was not a REAL donkey in the gymnasium....).  Doing donkey kicks helps to make your arms strong!  We had fun on the balance balls and we learned how to make an "N" shape on the low bar, but my favorite activity was walking on the balance beam!  That's me in the picture!  We also learned all about stretching at the end of class.  I learned some new stretches and we counted together!
I had a great time in Mrs. F's and Mrs. B's classes!  The boys and girls told me that I was a great visitor!
I LOVE Healthy Highway!  I can't wait for my next adventure!
Love, Exercise Ernie

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fitness Frankie's Adventure in Mrs. G's Class!

Hi everyone,
     I had a wonderful adventure in Mrs. G's class!  I got to learn all about gymnastics and I even got to go on the balance beam!  My friends actually made a book about our week together!  The boys and girls drew a picture and wrote about everything we did!  Here are some of the things they said:
"Fitness Frankie went to PE with us."
"Fitness Frankie had healthy snacks with us."
"Fitness Frankie ate with me."
"Fitness Frankie did gymnastics." (I did!!!!)
"Fitness Frankie did Monkey in the Middle." (It's a great activity!)"
"Fitness Frankie listened to read aloud with us."
I wish you could see the pictures!  The boys and girls worked hard and drew really great pictures of us together!
It was a great week!  I LOVE Healthy Highway!  My next adventure is going to be in Mrs. C's class.  I can't wait!
Love, Fitness Frankie

Exercise Ernie's Adventure in Mrs. G's Class!

Hi everyone,
   I had a great week in Mrs. G's class recently!  My friends fed me healthy snacks on Wellness Wednesday!  We ate oranges, apples, bananas, celery, peppers, and granola bars - Yummy!  My friends and I also exercised on Fitness Friday!  We danced to our handwriting songs.  We moved our bodies while we counted and we also did some deep breathing and relaxed our bodies!  I have learned that breathing deeply and relaxing is also VERY healthy for your body!  I am learning so much here at North Park!  I am so glad that Fitness Frankie invited me to spend the school year here!  I LOVE Healthy Highway!  My next adventure is with Mrs. F's and Mrs. B's class!  I can't wait!
Love, Exercise Ernie