Monday, March 7, 2011

Fitness Frankie's Week in Mrs. Br's Class!

Hi everyone,

Well, I had another terrific week at North Park School! I spent the week in Mrs. Br's class. My friends fed me healthy snacks for Wellness Wednesday! We ate raisins, bananas, apples, pretzels, and carrots! The boys and girls at North Park sure know how to eat a healthy snack! I exercised with my friends on Fitness Friday! I leared the Cha Cha Slide and Macarena Math! What fun! My friends also wrote a poem about my week in their class! It's really a "rap" poem! Here it is!

School is fun, it really rocks,
Time in Room 3 with Mrs. "Br".

MacKenzie led our morning meeting,
"Chow, Clara", was her greeting.

I got off to a really good start,
Learning all about Jump Rope for Heart.

Next, I learned about Turn Around Facts,
Went to PE then had my snacks.

Raisins, pretzels, an apple or two,
Carrots, bananas, be sure to chew!

F Day came, a spelling test,
I worked real hard, I did my best!

Fitness Friday, jump, jump, jump,
Feel my heart, pump, pump, pump!

3:30 came, a really long day,
Time to go home, time to play.

Next week a new class, I wonder whose?
Can't wait to see who Mrs. Robelee will choose!

What a great poem! I am spending this week in Mrs. S's class! I LOVE Healthy Highway! Love, Fitness Frankie.