On Tuesday I got to use a compound microscope. I sketched out the leg of a housefly and the head of a spider! Science is awesome, but a little gross...... Later in the day I got to listen to a few students whisper read; they were working on pausing at commas and stopping at periods. One group was reading this book about these smart rats that had escaped from some place called NIMH! At the end of the day I got to play a game called MUM Ball; the rules are simple, if you drop the ball or talk you're out of the game.
On Wednesday morning I went to the gym to do 30 minutes of "cardio" (that's exercise that makes your heart and lungs get stronger) BEFORE school! In the morning I worked on my December packet; my favorite page is the picture puzzles with holiday songs! Later that morning Mrs. L's class came in for science. We did an activity to emphasize the importance of giving clear, detailed directions. I had some delicious trail mix for snack today!
On Thursday I tried to solve a tangram puzzle; boy it was hard! I wanted to quit, but everyone told me not to give up, so I kept at it. It's great to have friends like that! Recess was inside today so I watched some kids play a really cool Harry Potter card game. In the afternoon we went down to the computer lab. We got to play a bunch of games on AHA! Math. I had a granola bar and some green tea for snack today!
On Friday we went to technology and looked at good and bad websites. Later that day I played kickball with some kids from class. I also horsed around on the monkey bars, swings, and slide! At the end of the day the class got to help Mrs. F's and Mrs. B's class shop at the Holiday Fair. We all had a blast shopping for our family and friends! I had a yogurt with strawberries for snack to end the day. It was great hanging out with Mr. P's class! I can't wait for the Brotherhood Pageant and the Winter Workshops this week! I am going to be on vacation soon, so I guess I will have to wait to find out what my next adventure will be........I LOVE Healthy Highway!
Love, Fitness Frankie