Hi everyone,
I was taken care of by Mrs. L's and Mrs. S's class recently! My friends fed me healthy snacks for Wellness Wednesday! We ate applesauce, bananas, clementines, carrots, pears, granola bars, and pretzels. Doesn't that sound delicious? I also exercised with my friends on Fitness Friday! We went outside and found pictures of suns, plants, or animals. We linked together to create human food chains. We moved along to show energy flowing between us! We've been exercising our brains A LOT!! One way has been to write poems. We wrote a "cinquain" poem about me! Read below:
Little, Courageous
Exercising, Stretching, Thinking
Keeps Her Engine Strong
Healthy Hannah
How about that!!
In PE, the boys and girls are learning about sports that use striking skills like tennis, badminton, and baseball. Each day the boys and girls have goals to meet. That's me in the picture reading about the goals for the day! I learned that when you meet a goal, you should make a new one!
Finally, I attended Family Fitness Night with Mrs. S and her family. I was so pleased to see so many friends from North Park enjoying physical fitness with their families! That's me with Chef Rico enjoying a healthy snack of hummus!
I LOVE Healthy Highway!
I wonder which classroom I will visit next?
Healthy Hannah