Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Healthy Hannah's Adventure in Mrs. L's Class!

Hi everyone,
    I was taken care of by Mrs. L's class recently!  My friends fed me healthy snacks for Wellness Wednesday!  We ate carrots with honey mustard, apples, blueberries, oatmeal, guacamole, grapes, milk, watermelon and oranges!  I exercised with my friends on Fitness Friday!  We did arm circles and yoga, jumping jacks and push-ups!  Our class also showed me how to do the Fitness Calendar.  This class does the Fitness Calendar together so that they can earn miles for Healthy Highway!  In PE class we did the Daytona 2000 and I learned how to use a pedometer!  I also went outside for recess!  During indoor recess I played with a panda, a monkey, a garfield, and a green bear!  What a wonderful adventure!  I had so much fun and I learned so much!

I LOVE Healthy Highway!  I wonder which classroom I am going to visit next........

Love, Healthy Hannah

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Fitness Frankie and Friends' Adventure at the NYS AHPERD Conference!

Hi everyone,

     Guess what?  Mrs. R took Physical Eddie, Healthy Hannah, and I to the NYS AHPERD conference this week!  This is my second year going to the conference so I showed Physical Eddie and Healthy Hannah all about it!  This is a very big conference where PE teachers get together from all over New York State to learn new activities and to get even better at teaching!  I guess adults like to learn too!  We went to a very important meeting about Jump Rope for Heart!  We learned about how important Jump Rope for Heart is to so many people!  We also got to see Mrs. C of Healthy Highway!  She and Mrs. R taught other PE teachers about Healthy Highway and Mrs. R introduced them to us!  They thought we were very cute!  Mrs. C had a surprise for us.  She presented us with a Pledge Revolution Certificate for everyone at North Park because we all signed the Healthy Highway Pledge!  We are very proud and can't wait to share it with everyone at North Park this week!
We LOVE Healthy Highway!   How about you?
Fitness Frankie, Physical Eddie, and Healthy Hannah

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Physical Eddie's Adventure in Mrs. M's Class!

Hi Everyone,
      I spent the past two weeks in Mrs. M’s third grade class.  I got to be a reading buddy and hear some of the stories that students were reading during DEAR time.  In P.E. we played Peek-a-Who and I was one of the people who hid behind the tarp. I felt happy that the class noticed that I was missing!  I got to spend some time with Fitness Frankie too!  In science, I learned about the parts of a plant and the job of each part.  We also learned about the parts inside a flower.  On Halloween, I got to do some of the candy experiments.  Do you know that about half of the weight of gum is sugar?  I also learned a lot of facts about pumpkins.  I had lots of healthy snacks: apples, peaches, carrots, goldfish crackers, applesauce, pumpkin bread, pineapple, z bar energy bar, and grapes. I also went to the Walkway over the Hudson with Mrs. R and the fifth grade students and went to the Healthy Highway assembly on Friday. I can’t wait to see who I get to visit next!

I LOVE Healthy Highway!

 Love, Physical Eddie

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Healthy Hannah's Adventure in Mrs. C's and Mrs. H's Class!

Hi everyone,
    I am Healthy Hannah and I had a great few weeks in Mrs. C's and Mrs. H's class!  We made a healthy snack called "Mummy Pizzas" for Fun Food Friday, using English muffins, pizza sauce, and vegetables like red and green peppers and green onions.  It was delicious!

     Unfortunately, one weekend when I was at school alone with Truffle, our class guinea pig, a hurricane hit!  We looked out the windows and saw trees whipping around, but I was brave and told Truffle not to be afraid!
     I went to P.E. with the students and we played Tanks and Commanders, which is a trust game.  The tanks had blindfolds on and it was so much fun!  This is a picture of me with a blindfold on and the next picture is of me in the pedometer pocket!
     In Social Studies, I learned about the three branches of the government and the upcoming presidential election.  I joined the students as they went to stations during reading.
     On Halloween, we watched a funny movie, "Dreamworks Spooky Stories."  I laughed hysterically!
     Today is my last day and I was excited to do "Monkey in the Middle" for Fitness Friday.  The class was so good during October that they earned a choice activity.  I get to go out at the end of the day for extra recess!
     I had such a great time in Mrs. C's and Mrs. H's class!
     I wonder where I will go next?

     Now I understand why Fitness Frankie loves Healthy Highway!  I LOVE Healthy Highway too!

Love, Healthy Hannah